I do what to get better mean who doesn't right now I cant afford to pay bills nor any treats i cant pay for my medication. I normally try to get bills paid first then medication but now I cant afford nothing I cant sleep there's times i eat times I don't what can I do
Really ???: I do what to get better... - Above & Beyond - ...
Really ???
I don't like giving advice, but feel really worried about your situation - no wonder you feel anxious!
It may sound patronising if I say that I feel sorry for you, but it must be really awful to just not have enough for any of the things that are essential for even a basic life. I remember when I used to teach psychology that there is an order of priorities: first thing is physical survival, and in this day and age that means having enough money to live securely! You need help to sort out the finances before anything else. Go to CAB and get their help to prioritise and delay any repercussions that may occur from non-payment of any bills. Money first! Then meds. Surely you should be eligible for free prescriptions and the GP should be able to prescribe essential meds so you shouldn'e be paying for them. I know that sounds simplistic as there are always bits and pieces as well - sanitary towels, creams and lotions, plasters, all sorts, but essential meds should be free so go and see the GP. Also if you think it will be helpful then ask to get referred for counselling (somewhere nearby so it doesn't cost to get there!) as it does sound like you have few supports in your life. It would be useless suggesting you need to eat and sleep properly, because you may not be able to do those until things begin to get sorted out, and anyway it costs money to eat. So, money has to be the first thing, except do please make sure you get the bare minimum of food, e.g. cereal and milk, and a few bits of fruit so you don't die! Even that will keep you going for a few days, just until you've seen CAB.
Do let me know how you get on if you want to, it must be shitty to feel alone with such huge problems. Suexxx
Hi, Sue
Thank you for the reply I actually tried the CAB the women who I saw was not very helpful to be honest. But she did give me information and websites to look at which I'm currently doing at the moment all the things she gave and told me to do I tried already running out of ideas at the moment and I'm not eligible for anything from free prescription or any sort of benefit. I'm actually currently doing the counselling(feel like we met before LOL) I'am trying to eat more than usual but sometime it just doesn't go down or I end up throwing it back up
But anyhow thanks anyway much appreciated and you take care by all means message me on here if you ever wanted to talk :)
Anna xx
Hi Anna, I'm glad you've got the counselling and do hope things are improving for you a little - if there not then if you can do tell the counsellor they are not, as that's what counselling is for - to take anger and distress to! Best wishes, Suexx