I am worried about my daughter who has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. She graduated college and does not want to do anything. I am not in her shoes and it kills me to see a brilliant girl such as herself just fade away. She was put on medication and talks with a psychiatrist but, I do not see any improvements. Any suggestions from this group would be greatly appreciated.
Need some advice for anxiety and depr... - Above & Beyond - ...
Need some advice for anxiety and depression

Hi Andis, I'm not a Psych, but I have the same disorder and Its not something that can be analyzed with out some background information, and at that just opinions. But we have here lots of experienced opinions, ha..ha...How old is your daughter and does she I've with you?
She is in her twenties graduated from college and lives with her father.
Hi andiS. You just opened a can of worms as far as opinions go in My head because of her age and situation. It's like a lot of Hallmark series Novellas about the typical Daughter who is pressured by dominate Mother to achieve in College and who maybe wants to do something else but after she works so hard to prove Herself is discouraged upon leaving school. She either hates her self for not choosing for her self her future Or their is not any work because of the job market and so much competition. I could go on and on and with thousand of things so could the Billions of humans on this planet each with an opinion. Psychiatrist includes. I did not even get into the images in My head when the Father enters in. Tell me what She thinks it might be. By the way every thing has a truth and maybe We and every one here can offer their experienced opinion to nail it down. Rob
Hi! I also have depression and anxiety. Has anything happened in her life that caused this? Usually you have to get down to the root of the problem/cause.
Try looking on pyschologytoday.com if you’re from the US. You can find therapists on there