Never felt normal even as a young boy, bullied in school , no real friends all through school . Then my father died just before Christmas when I was 11 and after that it got worse. My mother drank and I had siblings I had to watch out for . Anyway I have always felt lonely even though I got married I couldn't forget past . I'm gambling and spending all my money just cos it helps forget for a while but then you feel 10 times worse . I don't know how to do get out of it and a few weeks ago my nephew took his own life and I feel it's a way out
Nothing changes: Never felt normal even... - Above & Beyond - ...
Nothing changes
I’m so sorry your life has been so hard , you have been though terrible thing losing your father at such a young age and being bullied, but you are still here with a life to lead you are a strong survivor you need to talk about your past help sort your mind out get help , doctors, online therapy the past can’t be changed the future is yet to be and you can control that . Life is precious, your life is precious please there is help just ask
Hello fatman64 and welcome to our supportive forum. I see Kezj05 has given good advice.
I am so sorry to hear about your traumatic past and in particular the loss of your father at such a young age. You had to grow up very quickly and it is admirable that you took on the responsibility of looking out for your siblings when family life was so difficult.
I am sorry to learn about your nephew's passing. Suicide impacts family and friends because quite often it is so tragic, sudden and totally unexpected. So many questions may be left unanswered leaving those closest in torment.
Fatman64, I hear you, you are not alone. You are very strong to have got through such trauma and difficulties. I feel there are perhaps unresolved emotional issues from your past that you now need help with. Some of the coping mechanisms you are using e.g. gambling are no longer helpful to you.
Fatman64, you cannot change the past, you can come to terms with it with help and support but you can change your future. I believe you are strong enough.
There is help available for you. Please make an appointment to see your Doctor immediately. Tell your Doctor how you are feeling and what is happening. He/she will know how best to help you.
Fatman64 I have included details of additional Agencies which you may find useful at the foot of this reply. Please do stay in contact, we are always here to support you. Take care,
Other Agencies
Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to listen to anything that is upsetting you, including intrusive thoughts and difficult thoughts of suicide and self-harm.
Freephone 116 123
Or visit them at your local branch.
Offers a helpline between 9am and 9pm, 365 days.
It provides an opportunity to talk confidentially and to know you are not alone in your experience.
Tel 0300 111 5065
Offers confidential advice, emotional support and information. Links to support and counselling locally (group and one to one) for help with problem gaming.
Tel: Freephone 0808 8020 133
For men experiencing distressing thoughts and feelings, theCampaign AgainstLiving Miserably (CALM) is there to support you.
Tel: 0800 585 858
Open 5pm to Midnight
They also have a webchat service if you are not comfortable talking on the phone.
RETHINK mental illness
directly supports people to get through crisis, to live independently and to realise they are not alone
Tel: 0300 5000 927
open Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4pm