Hi, I'm fairly new to this website, but saw people helping each other with mental health and thought I could ask some questions.
I really do feel like something is wrong with me, but whenever I read some kind of diagnosis, I feel I don't perfectly fit. I guess I'll just say all of my issues with myself, and hopefully, someone will feel the same way or help me understand these issues so I can be properly diagnosed.
I guess I feel the one thing I know about myself is that I have anxiety, and seasonal depression. I had a short encounter with a therapist, but I feel it wasn't working that great... anyways, those are the two things I know for sure. I'm not sure if the following fits under those categories, but here's everything. I'm always afraid of how people perceive me, and I constantly judge my body and appearance. I always feel like my loved ones are going to die, for example, if my sister goes on a trip on a plane without me, until I hear she lands I'll think about how the plane will crash and she won't make it. I even think about death happening to me, thinking someone will come and kill me while I'm home alone, or that I'll get into a car accident and never come home.
Another issue I have is with hygiene. Its strange, I'm only picky about certain parts of my body, like I don't feel the need to always wash my hands, but i constantly clean my ears, pick at my teeth, scrub my face and fix my hair, and take a knife to my foot so it'll look the way I want it to. This is the most confusing to me, as I don't feel like I HAVE to do all this, but I feel I really really want to.
I also have chronic pain, so of course, that comes with depression from feeling I'm never going to live a day without pain. That I can understand.
I also always think I have these bizarre conditions when I have rarely any evidence to back it up. I once had an unexplained bruise on my leg and was genuinely convinced for a couple of days I had cancer. This has happened multiple times with multiple different 'conditions'. I also obsess over looking up mental disorders and sometimes wishing I had some so I could gain pity from my friends and family... I know I don't have them, but I wish I did. I know its wrong, but I can't stop it.
Lastly, I have some major jealousy issues. Any time people I know get together and I see it through social media or word of mouth, I feel physically ill and dizzy, feeling like I'm going to barf. I get so sick thinking they're out without me, enjoying their time together. Even just typing this is making me sick.
I know this is a lot, and I don't even know if this is what this platform is typically for, but I really need help. If I can figure all of this out, I can further help myself. Any advice would be amazing. Thank you!