I'm 17 and basiclly.. I don't know what to do. I sit in my room crying nearly each day, no mater how much sleep I get I'm just always tired! And the friends I use to love are now people I push away because I don't want them around.. I live in a house where my step (parent) hates me and shouts abuse at me and seems to jus plain hate me, he treats his own two children like his princesses. A couple of days ago it go so unbearable I was sat on my bathroom floor and cut my stomatch and legs, and today I thought about suicide, i was so close.. Its not the first time I'm self harmed or thought of doing it..
I want to see a doctor or maybe a councilor, but I just don't think they could help and I also have anxiety which when i get panic attacks a lot, even at college for no reason, I just want to be me again, because I'm a stranger and enemy to myself... So I'm just looking for some guidence on what to do? Thank you in advance <3