I don't know where to start but I'm 20 and I usually find myself thinking about that my life is meaningless I have a job that doesn't make me happy Im really lost with life I feel lonely even when I'm not Even when I'm actually supposed to be having fun I'm not I have a routine of waking up getting ready for work and coming back home showering eating and going on my phone and going to sleep and my life is on repeat again. I wish I could do so much more but I can't cause it seems that is impossible for me to be genuinely happy. I just don't know how to change that and about my job can't really get a different one without finishing my ged I have 1 test left but I don't have the motivation of doing anything anymore and sometimes I wish I didn't exist
Feeling lost and Empty : I don't know... - Above & Beyond - ...
Feeling lost and Empty

Hi in the grand scheme of things everyone's life is essentially meaningless. The secret is to invest your life with things that mean something to you. That way it will have purpose and meaning.
Plan nice things to do in your leisure time - things to look forward to like a nice holiday, a night out with friends, following your interests. Ok you can't do much about the job except change it, but look forward and plan what sort of job you would like. I long decided that all my jobs were pretty boring so I just saw it as a means to an end ie so I had enough money not to worry about being in debt, so I could enjoy my leisure time etc. If life gives you lemons, make the best lemonade you can.
Oh and no one is genuinely happy at all times. It's best to seek contentment and you will find happiness comes in small snatches such as a baby's smile, a sunny day, a beautiful flower, being with your loved ones. These are all happy times and make life worth living. x
I am sorry you are going through this. My daughter went through the same thing a while back, she finally finished her GED and that made her feel so much better. Her motivation of getting it done was really down, however, I told her to take one day at a time. Change is a process and it's progress not perfection. Have you thought about going to church? Joining a singles group. Sometimes we don't realize that most of people our age that are around us feel the same way and talking about it will help. Do you have positive people around you? They will guide you in the right direction. Life seems to be that way for all of us. I am 53 and I go to work, come home and eat and sleep seems that way all the time. However, I made myself get involved with helping others. That is a great way to feel better about yourself. Have you thought about just writing a list of the things you would like to accomplish, say , in the next month? Just do one at a time and mark them off. You don't have to rush your life, just enjoy the things you like doing and get around positive people. You can do anything you set your mind to. I know you are 1 step closer by reaching out and sharing your feelings. You are strong and you will overcome. There is joy deep down in you and you just have to look within yourself and find it. Find what truly brings joy to your life. When you feel down and lonely, sing, put on music you like, call a friend that will encourage you. You GOT this!!!!!

hi I think most people dislike the job that they are in.see come the weekend why don't you do things that you enjoy or used to enjoy it might make your working week better.