Me and my boyfriend been together for 4 years. For some reason everything i say he thinks im being ryde or mean. He says "there u go with that bs." He is 30 and he just started talking to this 17 yr old. He said "shes just a girl i work with im not fucking her" but he deletes ever text. Her name in phone is Leah. Nicknames in only knew each other for a week or two. "Friends" he said. I asked him to delete her number n stop talking to her he said he promised. Ive been really depressed, hurt, heart broken. I cry everyday more then once. Why they still texting. Befor her it was another girl which was a ex. He told her he loves her and wants to marry her. I found out by her. He said it was just conversation. This is not just a boy i like. No i love this man i would die for this man. We got a daughter she was planned. What do i do.
I want to save my relationship - Above & Beyond - ...
I want to save my relationship

He doesn't seem to be committed to the relationship. Are you ready to accept this type of behavior in the long run? Do you think he will change and meet your needs? You deserve to be loved and cherished. It will take a lot of inner work but you must do what is right for you to eventually be Happy.
Why are u tryin to save the relationship tho he doesn't feel commuted to you and he is basically cheating on you soooooo, I suggest break up with him and make a plan for your kid.
You clearly love him, but you need accept that he doesn't feel the same, If he did he would be doing whatever he could to work on it with you, he's done it more than once and now he tries to cover it up, it's not a mistake.
You've seen it with your own eyes, and this is not the kind of influence you want on your daughter. You need to stop being afraid and realize what's best for yourself and your daughter, if you are going to let him teat you this way it will become a habit, hard to break and nothing will change unless you do something to bring on that change, all you are doing is encouraging it.
And he is only lashing out at you because he is guilty and he caught and it frustrates you, and the more you let it slide the more he will take advantage of you.
It will be hard in the beginning, but you will wish you had done it sooner, don't waste your time and happiness when you could be experiencing it elsewhere.
Tough I know, but it will be worth it one day if not for you, but for your daughter, show her to not be afraid and to not accept being mistreated.
One thing I've learned from this is that your little girl may be the one getting hurt. You should let him go to protect your heart and your well being. Remember, "the babies won't be ok, if mommy isn't ok."