This is my first post on here and its an important one!
I have recently been experiencing prolonged periods of sadness and uncontrollable feelings of guilt. I was taken into care about three years ago due to neglect and emotional and metal abuse that I had suffered for my whole life. I have spoken to many people (but not a doctor) about it and they are just saying its stress (I'm 16 so exams). However, I have been having crying episodes and regularly think life would be better if I killed myself (I have a fear of dying though so?). I was admitted to hospital about a month ago following panic attacks that I have for no apparent reason and I have lost enjoyment in most things I loved doing. My friends are noticing a change in me. I don't want or mention anything to my foster carer as I'm worried about what she may say. She doesn't think there may be anything wrong because I sometimes go through stages when I'm 'high' (not on drugs though). I feel very exited and I talk really fast, and I can't sit still and I become annoying. I have so much enthusiasm for life and just want to go out and do stuff (this might last for a few days). Then I go back to being really upset, usually having a massive crying episode after this period of time. I don't know if this is normal or not, if it's serious or not either. Do I tell my foster carer or go to the doctor or what? I really need some advice as I'm worried about my own health. My sadness is all the time except for 'high' periods which happen every month or so...