I have a Vaginal pessary for a prolapse. I've had a small amount of bleeding. The doctor said The Pessary could cause it. Has anyone else had this problem? It has happened three times over the last two years. It was a minimal amount. First time I went to the hospital . They couldn't find aI would be grateful if anyone did anything wrong. 2nd time Doctor said just leave it. Third-time I have been at the Hospital for tests.
PESSARY.: I have a Vaginal pessary for a... - Women's Health

About two months after my pessary was inserted I had some bleeding. My Dr. immediately removed it and she had to quarterize me. She then fit me with a different size and type. I can't understand why your Dr. wouldn't address the problem and fit you with something different. Bleeding anywhere shows there's a problem and shouldn't be dismissed and your Dr. should be able to fit you with a pessary that will not cause bleeding.
I was also given samples of intrarosa suppositories to strengthen my vaginal walls. I took it 3x a week for 2 weeks. When my insurance wouldn't pay for it she prescribed Estradoil. In the interim I experienced a change in my vision. My eye Dr. said I had lost vision in my right eye. I've had cataract surgery and implants and my vision is never supposed to change. When I looked back at the side effects of both these meds they list serious eye symptoms including vision loss in their texts, and it's not prominently displayed. Needles to say the whole lot ended up in the garbage. I'm a very healthy 91 yr old who only takes one med...a low dose high blood pressure pill. I am now taking a homeopathic remedy to replace the prescribed meds. BiopHersh vaginal suppositories...zero side effects. It's very reasonable and can be purchased at: goodcleanlove.com
Please listen to your body and insist your Dr. find a solution for you. I've reached my age by questioning everything and not always doing everything a Dr. suggests. I hope this post helps.

🤔 Copied from the link
There is a risk of erosion (wear and tear) to the vaginal skin, this can cause bleeding and/or discharge.
I've just had a letter from Doctor to say nothing of concern with the bleeding. I have to see the doctor in a couple of weeks to discuss the problem. Thank goodness.