Hi Everyone, im looking for some advice please
I have been getting palpitations on and off for about 2 years I have been to see the GP and had an ECG and bloods but all was normal ( the palps had stopped before ECG).
GP said he would refer me to a specialist again for another halter monitor the previous one came back normal as the palps stopped again.
My question is should i just ignore the palps or go to see the specialist i'm unsure what to do because they keep stopping which is good and they cant cause anything bad to happen can they ?
I don't suffer from anxiety as far as i'm aware so i cannot put my finger on what causes them to start again?
I gave up smoking a few years back and don't drink ,I do drink tea in the mornings and had palps but also get them later in he day when i'm not drinking tea , I am going through the menopause I don't know if that can cause them ?
I'm at a loss as to what to do to be honest and would appreciate any advice given.