I've been on the depo provera for about a year now if not longer and due my next injection, I've been feeling really depressed, to the point of not being able to go to work, any suggestions?
Depo provera : I've been on the depo provera... - Women's Health
Depo provera
Come off it!! It is the worst thing to be on ever. Depression is a symptom of the injection. I was on it for 3years and was unrecognisable as a person. This thing should be removed and never used again
me too, i am extremely irritable and angry .. feels like Depo is making me act like if i were bipolar, which i am not... but the mood swings are there ... Mostly i feel angry and have anxiety attacks which i been hiding from my boyfriend and coworkers... i feel miserable ... cant sleep and have nightmares... i know people have different reactions with it... but honestly its is so bad that its not even worth to try to see if works for you, because if it does not - ( my case) you will be acting and feeling crazy till the drug leaves your system ...