I`m finding it difficult to eat anything,when I do try,I end up vomiting back up,lost over a stone in the last couple of month
help please: I`m finding it difficult to... - Weight Loss Support
help please

HI boxerdog22,
Sounds to me like you should go and see your GP a.s.a.p. and get to the root of the problem - unless perhaps you have some underlying medical condition about which you are already aware that explains it.
Good luck with it.
Hi Boxerdog22,
Please book an appointment to see your GP ASAP. Vomiting like this is not normal or healthy. Though you may like the weight loss side of it, either you have a medical condition, or are imbibing something toxic. Get thee to a doctor.
Seriously. That's the help you need. Take care of yourself.
i had a similar experience a few years ago and i lost my gaul bladder, anything i ate that had the remote bt of fat in would trigger me off and i lost loads of weight but when i t was removed i piled it all back on as nothing in my eating habits had changed!
GO TO THE GP BEFORE ITS TO LATE as i suffered that much i nearly lost some of my intestine too x