hello lovely ladies! I have quick question but with a long story!! So I ordered the injection for weight recently (I think we all know the name!)
I am doing this without my partner knowing as he is has his apprehensions about it. Now here’s what’s happened, I thought the four doses for each month was a separate injection each and out of panic of doing it hidden I never checked that the box only had one injection and just assumed there’d be another three. Now when I did my first injection (yesterday) I really didn’t take my time I was all flustered and I just called my sister on video call to get assistance on how to do it (silliness on my part cause I didn’t do my research). She helped me take the first dose perfectly, now she never mentioned to me that this injection has the whole full 4 doses ( I know this sounds so silly and it’s such a big mistake on my part!) I did feel that the injection still looked full and was gonna ask my sister but just that moment I heard my husband moving about and out of the panic I quickly made sure to put the plastic green and whitecap on the needle and put it in the bin. Now the bin wasn’t wet dirty at all, just dry things but it was the kitchen bin! So today I was like let me check the other injections and lo and behold there are none!!!
Thank the Lord the bin had not gone out and the injection was still there with the lid on, now i know if kept under 30 degrees it can be used, but my worry is contamination, ofcourse iv take the lid of the the syringe off and fully sanatised the whole thing (thrown away the old syringe in the sharps bin) and kept it in a dry place away from sunlight, from my understanding I think that if the syringe was still on with the lid as well, the injections safe? I’m going crazy here! Please please can I have some reassurance its soo much money as well and such a mental toll! Xx