Hello, New to the community. - Weight Loss Support

Weight Loss Support

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Hello, New to the community.

Babyphat profile image
Babyphat2024 April
17 Replies

Hello 👋,

I'm a 40 something , working mum of one energetic 3 year old. I am currently the heaviest I have ever been and am aiming to try and lose just under half my body weight, so not an easy task. I'm looking forward to learning, supporting and being supported from those on similar journeys.

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Babyphat profile image
2024 April
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17 Replies
Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs

Hello BP, Come and say hi to our challenge grouphealthunlocked.com/weight-l...

Good to see you on. All the best x

Gizmocat profile image

Hello and welcome to our forum. You have come to the right place to get support. Here is a link to help you find your way aroundhealthunlocked.com/weight-l....

Do have a good look around and read all the links. There are lots of clubs and challenges you can join. Hopalong1 has already invited you to join the Spring Challenge. You might like to pop over to the Weigh In and post your start weight. We emcourage weighing in on the same day each week so you get to know fellow weighers. The Daily diary is good for meal ideas and posting your meal plans and Fit is Fun for exercise.

DO join in as much as possible. The more you join in the more support you will get. If you have any questions just ask

Grigid profile image
GrigidModerator4 stone

Hi Babyphat, and welcome to the forum.

You’re in good company here, we’re all on a journey!

I’m part way through a “project” to lose a fair bit and found that breaking the total down into achievable chunks has worked for me.

Good luck 🤞🏻😊

Babyphat profile image
Babyphat2024 April in reply to Grigid

Sounds like a good plan. Thanks 😊

focused1 profile image
focused1Maintainer13kg in reply to Grigid

Greed Grigid . I lost 18kg in my late 50's but not all at once . I wish I could eat what I ate - and got away with eating in my teens and 20's . Even after having 5 children by the age of 36, I wasn't overweight but in my 40's the weight piled on .Come 50 with hormones again flying , the lovely menopause which although I rode the storm my social life was one meal out then another . Holidays before Covid - All you can pile on a plate and on your stomach beach bar All Inclusives then back home , stressful but decent paid job = Did somebody say Just Eat junk about 3 times a week then out at the weekend with a sit down cinema ticket then a plonk down meal then a taxi ride home .

The only way I addressed this was wake up surgery for hiatus hernia I feel caused by double portions of food and drink . I had to have a quality liquid diet for a month so the weight dropped off but I got used to 3 meals a day , no snacks , zumba and walking .

Admit I have put on 7kg but still have the 11kg loss which I feel I can maintain .

Grigid profile image
GrigidModerator4 stone in reply to focused1

Oh bless you focused1, that sounds like a familiar tale, although the 5 kids and swerving a big gain is something! 😊

focused1 profile image
focused1Maintainer13kg in reply to Grigid

5 boys , a job in a day nursery where I took 2 to work then a Sunday job meant I never sat down .My washing machine was lucky to last a year and used to iron in the garden with a chairs round the board serving as places to put the clothes but barrier where they couldn't run into whilst they charged round , in and out of 2 paddling pools and scattered tubs of lego . Chasing them round on bikes and those in- line skates meant I burned off the calories . Lack of money meant all fresh , cooked from scratch . Happy mad , crazy days - and nights .

Grigid profile image
GrigidModerator4 stone in reply to focused1

Blimey, that was full on!

Ascelus profile image
Ascelus22kgRestart Jan 2024

Good morning Babyphat,as Grigid has said ,better to aim for smaller chunks . Losing half your body weight is a big goal to aim for. You are definitely in the right place for lots of support from people on the same journey. Personally l don't tell friends and family about goals l aim for,just start and see how it goes. Little and often is the way to go and never ever be scared of posting negative weeks weight,you will get lots of support no matter what. Good luck.😁😁😁😁😁👍👍👍👍

focused1 profile image
focused1Maintainer13kg in reply to Ascelus

Great advice Ascelus .

Nicnacpaddywac profile image
Nicnacpaddywac4lbsRestart Jan 2024

hi welcome,

We are a friendly bunch here with lots of support.

I’m too a mum of 1, found this forum has helped me and can be honest with no judgment just encouraging words.


Frenchfields profile image
Frenchfields2024 January

Welcome, lots of good tips already. Mini goals is a great idea and make a little ’celebration’ ( non-food) when you achieve them. Do you have a particular ’food strategy’ in mind ( calorie counting , low carb, following a prescribed diet like weightwatchers etc?). Whatever you’re doing, I’d say its really worth writing out a weekly meal plan at least for a few weeks -helps with the shopping list. Keep posting and good luck with a loss this week.

Babyphat profile image
Babyphat2024 April in reply to Frenchfields

I'm doing low carb, low calorie. I do weekly meal plans and am lucky that my family are happy to eat what I eat so only need to do a different meal for my son. I have been losing a little bit if weight consistently each month, which is good and have started to see a bit of a difference in my body shape and clothes are feeling a little bit looser.

I think my mind just wants bigger results and more significant weight loss, although I do know that losing big amounts of weight quickly means more likely to put it back on quickly. I guess slow and steady will win me the race!

Frenchfields profile image
Frenchfields2024 January in reply to Babyphat

Definitely slow and steady wins the race, great that your clothes are telling you you’re changing shape. When you feel ready perhaps get yourself some ’me-time’ and join a gym or excercise group like aquafit or zumba if you don’t already go, good for your body but also good for that ’headspace’ Have a good week.

Babyphat profile image
Babyphat2024 April in reply to Frenchfields

So I do a have gym membership, and try and do some aquafit and step class, as well as doing some cardio and strength training. My busy schedule, painful joints and lack of motivation, is holding me back from doing as much as I would like to do. I used to love the gym but really struggle with it at the moment. Any tips to get motivated or any gym workout routines would be welcome.

Frenchfields profile image
Frenchfields2024 January in reply to Babyphat

I make an appointment with myself Monday Wednesday Friday first thing, everyone knows I’m not available then -its important to me. I get my kit alll laid out the evening before.I mainly row on the rowing machine and then run on the treadmill. I originally did the couch to 5k nhs -I never thought running would be my thing but after 15 years I still love it, even the bad days. I also do some light weights arm for upper body, and some ballet style stretches to finish ( think ’ostriches ’ in fantasia rather than darcy bussle😀). I would engage with the trainers at the gym -most places they will write you a card or program, talk you through how the machines work and help keep you on track. They should take your aches and pains into account. Build up slowly but stick at it.

The motivation really has to come from within but you just have to tell yourself it will be worth it in the end. Plenty of gym workouts on line but whatever you choose, make it progressive ( eg if you walk 10 mins on the treadmill, then next time do 12 mins, that sort of thing) and keep a diary of how you’re doing. Go you!

Hi lovely, you won't find a nicer group of people than on this forum. Best of luck xxx

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