be gentle……: going back to Slimming... - Weight Loss Support

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be gentle……

Fatblokedownthepub profile image
Fatblokedownthepub2024 January
11 Replies

going back to Slimming World tomorrow, for the first time in a year or so. I’ve been overweight, pretty much my whole life, and tried Slimming World before, but always ended up lapsing, but I did ultimately get to a point where my front number did not start with a 2, I was elated, it was March 2020, and we all know what happened then, don’t we! 🙄

I’m also thinking about joining a gym, is there any point at 23+ stone though?

Written by
Fatblokedownthepub profile image
2024 January
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11 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, Fatblokedownthepub (I think I'd prefer Cheerfulchapatthebowlingalley) ;)

If you think you would enjoy going to the gym and would attend often enough to make the subscriptions viable, then it would be worth joining. If, however, you'd be as likely, or more likely to go for a walk, do some squats and lunges in your living room, go bowling, jog, dance, run up and down the stairs, etc, then it probably wouldn't be worth it.

Some people need the face-to-face accountability of a paid for slimming club to keep them on the straight and narrow, others enjoy the possibility of free 24hr interaction with an online community to get them to where they need to be. Only you know which category you fall into.

All of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts and we hope you'll be joining all the Events, Challenges and Clubs that we run.

We've found active participation to be key to successful weight loss and, of course, it's a good way to get to know people, find inspiration and share support and encouragement.

Wishing you all the best for 2024 :)

-WeightLossWarrior- profile image

Hello mate,

I love what Moreless said to be honest, and the choices you make are very individual. The gym could offer a lot in terms of helping you accelerate the health benefits, weight loss and overall results but ONLY if you don't hate it and it doesn't become a reason to abandon your journey.

I say this from my own experience of trying to make too many changes too quickly... Completely change everything I was eating, going gym 5 times a week etc etc... It was too much of a change that made it unsustainable.

I'd focus on making a couple of changes that you know will get you started and increase as they become comfortable. At 23 stone, I would imagine (and I say it with complete respect) that you are consuming quite a high number of calories. If that is the case, simply by following SW you will see a pretty quick change. Maybe give yourself time to settle into that and then introduce the gym (or other type of exercise) once you adjust to the plan again?

Best of luck pal

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns3kgRestart Nov 2023

Hi and welcome. You’ve come to the right place for nonjudgmental support. There are others here who are or have been as heavy as you. I hope you stick around.

I agree with -WeightLossWarrior- that introducing too many changes at once might not be sustainable. I also agree that changing what you eat is probably the most effective place to start.

About exercise once you get to that point - my advice is- find something you enjoy doing! As my username suggests, I love running, but as I now have arthritis in both my hips, I tried going to the gym instead - and hated it. I gave it 6 months before I gave up on that idea and started walking instead, aiming for 7500 steps per day on average. I tried many different things and found a couple of different exercise forms that I enjoy. Now I do warm water workouts once a week in the local swimming pool and I’ve found a place that offers strength training for people like myself with arthritis. We are a group of four people which helps me stay committed.

Hopefully your username will become obsolete soon. See you around.

Lynne64 profile image
Lynne64Restart Jan 2024

Hiya. Reading your post made me think of a chat Craig Charles from radio 6 music was having yesterday with a clinical psychologist about change. She spoke about not relying on motivation, as that may never come and even when it does, its a bugger for not hanging around consistently! She spoke about the importance of focusing on ' the point'. You asked 'what's the point'. The answer is very unique to us. For me, it's about being fed up having 2 wardrobes fully of bloody clothes that don't fit! What a waste of money that is. And I would also like to enjoy working in my garden again this summer with less knee pain, effort and sweat. Why do you want to lose weight? That's 'your point'. Figure that out, write it down, stick in on the fridge and food cupboards and constantly refer to it, when motivation has buggered off out the window again! All the best Lynne

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Lynne64

Great reply Lynne64, "what's the point" is a brilliant way to look at it and a great coincidence that you happened upon that chat on radio 6 yesterday.

DoctorRascal profile image
DoctorRascal2023 December

The gym may help you to be healthier for a given weight but exercise should not be relied on for weight loss. I agree with others that much depends on what suits you. Socialisation which does not involve eating more or drinking too much alcohol is likely to help. You have shown that you can reduce your weight. If you are doing it again you might do well to aim not just for a given weight but for a dietary plan which will at least maintain a lower weight.

lowT163 profile image
lowT163Restart Dec 2023

exercise is the key to pumping up your Testosterone naturally so even steps walking and moving will be a big help if you can do it. Low T is the friend of weight gain. Get it checked.

16carolann profile image
16carolann2023 December

Hi and welcome. I agree with Lynne64 Keep 'the point' in your mind. I used to enjoy the gym but aching joints complaining I gave up and looked for an alternative. I have a fitness watch and increased the steps target from 5000 to 7500 each day. I fit this in by getting up and walking to a colleague instead of email or phone and try to get outside for a walk round the block. Again at a slower pace than my jogging day but achievable. Set small targets. Celebrate the small wins. And good luck!

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs

Hi there,

I did Slimming World too. My middle daughter is still classed as obese and is out of the 20's now and down 3st so far. We try to go swimming once a week and this is good for helping joints and muscles. Start small and build up is what I would say.

As you'll know there's body magic as part of SW so, talk to your consultant about this and see what's available in the area. Also, some GP's offer exercise/gym if you are overweight or have health issues so, worth checking this out too.

Good luck, once you get back into the swing of things you'll be a natural again 👍

-WeightLossWarrior- profile image

How did you get on bud?

Hectorsmum2 profile image

are you aware of over eaters anonymous. I have lost over 6 stone with thier support and people who 'work the programme' seem to keep the weight off once it is lost.

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