Hi all, it’s been a while since I’ve been here but wanted to check in and share an update.
I found this forum in May 2020 when, with all the takeaways closed, I figured if I was ever going to loose significant weight now was the time. I was over 23 stone at the time.
I posted regularly, shared and commented, and was so encouraged by many of the members here. I lost almost 6 stone between May and Christmas, then the wheels fell off - literally on Christmas Day 2020. What was supposed to be a couple of days of treating myself turned into over a year of not caring what I ate. I had a lot of false restarts (as the graph shows!) but started to take my weight loss seriously again in June this year after a family holiday where I just hated the way I looked and that I couldn’t keep up with the kids.
Since then I’ve been really consistent and today hit 16 stone exactly, which had been the dream goal all along, as that was the weight I was at 18 when playing rugby regularly. This goal seemed so unachievable for so long, I literally can’t believe I made it.
That’s a loss of 7 stone from my heaviest and 5 stone since June. It’s funny because people ask what I’ve done and are a bit disappointed when I say just eating a bit better and exercising a bit more - many want a magic pill! But I joke that for me it’s just about consistently doing things that are a bit boring.
It’s by no means the end of my journey. The next goal is 13 stone, which would put me in the “healthy” BMI range for my height for the first time in my adult life. And then I’ll be staying focused on maintenance and making the good changes I’ve made stick long-term.
Just wanted to encourage anyone starting out or struggling that if I can do it, you can too. It may not look perfect, and it will probably be slower than you want it to be, but stick at it. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt as good physically as I do now at 37.
Good luck!
P.S. I’ve intentionally not shared the “method” I follow, because I don’t think that really matters, find what works for you.
P.P.S. I’ve not been active around the forum for the past couple of years because I realised I need to do this for me and my family, but I found myself chasing validation here instead. So when I started to put on weight I found it hard to come back. That’s not a group thing, it’s a me thing. Like I said in the post this is a super-supportive community, it just wasn’t working for me posting weekly.