Firstly, I want to explain that over the past two years I had lost 130+ pounds. I did so through exercise and clean eating.
Problem is, I started eating at night when I got hungry (usually an apple and one or two cookies before bed at 10:00) and began to pack on a good 30 pounds. I'm not 5'5 and 153lbs. I really don't like this. So I stopped eating as much at night (limited myself to an apple and maybe one home made cookie) and ramped up my workouts. I'm calorie counting trying to stay between 1,200 and 1,500 calories a day.
I don't eat any refined carbs or sugars and I don't drink any diet sodas or junk food like chips or chocolate bars. Pretty much the worst thing I eat is bread. (And even there I limit it two slices of bread in a day.) When I bake, I use whole wheat or spelt flour and coconut sugar.
Now, for my workouts. I alternate doing cardio workouts like using the cross-trainer for 12k or running and lifting. My cross trainer says that my hour workouts on almost max resistance burn 1000 calories. On days that I don't do cardio, I lift and row and use the stair master. I try to workout 6 days a week.
Anyway, my frustration is that I have clean bloodwork, but feel sluggish, cold, and really depressed because I can't seem to lose this weight no matter how hard a try.
Any suggestions would be me so welcome.
Thank you!!!