How best to reduce excess stomach fat and increase lower back strength
David : How best to reduce excess... - Weight Loss Support

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Hi calderm and welcome to this amazing forum. I suggest you spend some time clicking about to find your way around. It's easier if you have a lap-top as there are several threads. If you’re using another device I strongly suggest that you use the web page as opposed to the app at least until you know your way around.
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Thanks for asking this question for me! ☺

You only reduce belly fat by reducing ALL of your fat. Our genes dictate where on our bodies fat deposits are laid down, and there's not much we can do to change that.
Lower back strength? You're better off Googling it so that you can see videos of the various exercises, they're all pretty standard. Personally I find both warm up and stretching routines are particularly important before back work-outs.
Good luck!
Hi David, if you can strengthen your stomach muscles(with sit ups etc) you help to strengthen you back too.
Hello and welcome to the Weigh Loss Forum Peacheabeau Thank you for responding, it’s good to see you joining in with things.
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Best wishes
Indigo 😊
What you need is a core routine. A mix of crunches, supermans, planks etc will strengthen your back and stomach muscles, which work together to support your back.
Google, there are plenty of good routines out there. I started with this one....
Just a minor word of caution, if you have a bad back, as I do, I’d be very wary of anything challenging. Sit ups, crunches and leg raises are particularly dangerous unless you have a good level of fitness. If you have an injury please self refer to a qualified physiotherapist.
If you don’t have an injury, then a strong back and core are the result of good posture first & foremost. Only then are you able to start a targeted exercise routine.
Indigo 😊
Thanks for pointing this out Indigo! My lower back is really weak and I struggle to do ab exercises because of it.
Core strength is very important to protect a weak back as well as exercise to strengthen the back itself . I would very much recommend pilates - but look for classes run by a physiotherapist to make sure your form is correct. In person classes would be best, you may struggle to find any at the moment but there are some online. Make sure you start with the basics and build gradually, it’s about developing deep core control so is done slowly to get it correct.
Hi, I just checked your profile and noticed that you are past normal retirement age. I think it is important that you check with your GP before making any major changes to your exercise routine or diet. This may be more difficult at the moment because of the Covid situation, but telephone appointments should still be available. I know there is a pensioners Tai Chi class near me which is quite gentle and also fun, there were also fitness classes with quite knowledgable trainers (some have restarted) and you may find something similar near to where you live. Best of luck! Sally

It's not all fat. Much of it is inflammation and water retention from eating a high carb diet.
Also, do tummy pulls. Boxers do them a lot, or they used to. Repeated pulling-in and release of all the muscles sticking out at the front about 50 times a minute once a day. It can actually make your tummy sore if you're not used to it, so go easy at first. Possible when standing, sitting, lying down or however you are when you think of it.
I should add, you stop after 50 of them.