Managed one week last time. Hubby lost 8lbs but gave up. Has also restarted knowing his Covid risk is extremely high. Need to do it in small steps. I’ve only got a stone to lose. ( horse will be happy). Need to get hubby to read and use the NHS advice and support. Finding filling in the grid a bore. Have a static bike which he is using. Anyway will try to keep positive.
Restarting : Managed one week last time... - Weight Loss Support

May I ask what triggered abandoning the process last time?
I find that so often diets are abandoned because people get hungry or feel they have to eat food they don't enjoy.
A diet where you don't get hungry and eat food you like is much more sustainable. 😄
“A diet where you don't get hungry and eat food you like is much more sustainable. “
Sounds fabulous, supposing it doesn’t exist! I love haribo but I don’t think I could live off them , instead I keep going and looking at bikegrrls dark chocolate coconut thing🤣🤣not succumb I’m still being good.
I know!.. the raspberry coconut slice!.. looks amazing doesn't it. It's all good stuff though. I will happily succumb to making that soon!
Fortunately, a diet including some healthy fats to reduce hunger and particular healthy proteins + veggies, does exist.
What doesn't appear to exist is a diet that allows for ANY food you like (at least not more than occasionally).
Have been on and off diets since I was sixteen. Started work in small hotel on coast and was allowed to eat anything. Boxes of chocolates bars. Only had sweets once a week before that. That’s the 60s. Put on about 2stone. Started nursing in 69. Teatime . Bread ,real butter and jam on table. Different to Stork margarine. So the fight to keep the weight down begins.

Small incremental steps is a good way to think of it. .. and just keep 're-starting'! You'll get there in the end, no matter how many stops and starts along the way. Just keep at it... and keep changing things from time to time as you find out what does and doesn't work for you.
Best wishes to you both.
Thank you for your support. Just need to keep that positive attitude. Have a fit bit which taps out the movement suggestion. Put this on when I found to have breast cancer. Felt the need to keep as healthy as possible prior to surgery and maybe further treatments. Heading towards 70 and have to check which bit is mobile when I wake.😂
You not only have to keep this up for the 12 weeks it will probably take you to lose that stone, but stick with some variant of it forever. If you are this miserable in week one, do you really believe you can sustain if for the rest of your life?
I tried calorie counting last October. It was hard work, unenjoyable and miserable. I could see it wasn't sustainable for me. I found another way. LCHF, and fasting. I can't recommend it highly enough.
You will have to give up the
Haribo, though, I'm afraid.
I lost over a stone calorie counting, which I didn’t find too onerous at all. I used one of the Hairy Bikers cookbooks, Hairy Dieters, which counted all the calories in every recipe, and the book included all family favourites as well as what they called “fake aways”. The food was gorgeous and filling.
I have always eaten full fat yogurt and drunk whole milk (30 years on a dairy farm) so we didn’t give that up. We also invested in smaller plates, 9” not the huge ones which seem the norm everywhere now.
The other tip which is so important is no snacking. Three meals a day, no snacks or you spoil your appetite, as my mother used to say. We did still have cake as a treat occasionally, but counted the calories, which meant eating a bit less at the next meal perhaps. And everything cooked from scratch, no processed ready meals. After a while, you don’t need to count calories, because you know them and you can pretty much judge how many calories a food has.
So you can do it Sheppie and in my opinion, you can keep this up for good, because I and many others here have done it. But as others have said, the Haribo ought to go! 😂
Good luck, and keep coming back here to tell us how you get on.

Oops sorry it wasn’t Sheppie that liked the Haribo it was , me😊but obviously I am not eating them now😇
Haha sorry Sheppie !

Thanks for your advice dairy farmer. Was also one. Father a herdsman. Loved unpasteurised milk. Used to make cream and butter. That was hard work. Hand separator. Had to listen for “ting. Churning butter in glass jars. Those were the days. When I started nursing the diabetics diet was calorie counting. Used to have to write it all down. Have a good set of scales which also works out the calorie of the food being weighed. Fit bit also adds the calories when u remember to and them to app. 😳
Hi Sheppie . I married a dairy farmer. Sadly the cows went 20 years ago - I still miss going out to the bulk tank and dipping a jug to fetch creamy cold milk🥛 for breakfast.

I agree with what others have said - if you are not finding it enjoyable, then it is going to be difficult to make this into a new way of doing things to keep the weight off. If you like following the calorie counting way of doing things, you might want to take a look at some of the BBC Good Food recipes on-line, which are all calorie counted.
Ooh yes, I forgot to mention BBC, I use them all the time.
Whichever path you choose to walk, make it an enjoyable one and you'll keep walking.
Find what works for you. Theres a ton of ways to lose weight but you need to find something that you think you can continue with and doesn't make you miserable. For me that's calorie counting, portion control and learning to recognise when I'm full. I can't cope with diets which force me to exclude things - but I'm fine with eating a bit less.
For others its going low carb - which seems to work if you like rules, can stick to them and am happy without a lot of pasta and potatoes. Or there's intermittent fasting if you can cope with feeling a bit hungry but not with excluding things.
The point is that there are a ton of diets- so if this one feels too tough or inconvenient try something else. Experiment until you find something you can live with and good luck.
Hi Sheppie, if you don’t want to put on more weight I’d definitely try to loose that stone. I know it’s only a stone but it quickly becomes more. Last year I was 12 stone 9 and I did nothing to loose them couple of stone, then I stepped on the scales 16 months latter and I was 16 stone 1, it can go on very very quickly.😢 Here I am a just month down the line of healthy eating and I have lost a stone. If I had addressed my weight sooner I would be a nice healthy weight by now. I know it’s hard but try to find something that will fit in to your life style. If you continue I’m sure you will loose that pesky stone and feel much happier.
Thank you for your comments. If I can get stone off, will try 3or4 lbs more for a bit of lee way. It would be nice to see Christmas at my normal BMI.🙂
I’m sure if you try your best you will get to the target you desire. Good luck 🤞🏻

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