Apple Cider Vinegar
I’ve started using Apple Cider Vinegar... - Weight Loss Support
I’ve started using Apple Cider Vinegar apparently it has lots of health benefits as well as helping to reduce belly fat. Anyone tried it ?

I've heard that but never actually tried it. Would you like to join us on the Daily Diary and post your menu for tomorrow? Here's the link, hope to see you there! x
From what I've read, Apple Cider Vinegar has some trivial benefits (it does no harm) if a couple of diluted tablespoons are taken.
But if you are trying to lose weight it probably won't do the trick. Many of the articles on the matter seem to be trendy nonsense based on the weakest of evidence.
Take to much of it on a regular basis and it can be bad for your bones.

Take it diluted, never neat (Im sure someone does) as it is an acid - it is not good for your teeth. That said I use it when I have stomach pains due to low acid, sorts it out quickly.
Hello and welcome to the weight loss forum Annie, are you just visiting or would you like to join us?
Thank you for your welcome lucigret. Just visiting, although I might “stick my oar in” on occasion, as above if that is ok? I lost a couple of stone in 2012/13 (a mix of fasting and LCHF) and have kept to within a few lbs of my target weight since then.
Yeah, I have been having it since last month and I know my tummy fat has really gone down.

I tried a raw shot of it a couple of months ago and think I almost damaged my oesophagus - decided I'd pass. Apparently it does have health benifits when diluted but I guess you need to ask yourself what it is you want out of it and if its really going to do what you expect it to.
It was a video on this site where a “doctor” was talking about it’s benefits that aroused my interest One being help with burning belly fat ?
Some foods do help with appetite and cravings, and the vinegar will effect gut bacteria (potentially in a good way) that can change how your brain responds to things but I'm not convinced of anything that states to target a specific area of fat tbh. Saying this though.. I know nothing about fat but have always been told you can not lose fat from a specific area.
I'd reckon a good, healthy diet, patience and perseverance and general weight loss from all over the body is the reality of the situation,
I too had always understood that you could not choose where you lost weight from, your body decided according to your genes. I lost my little tum very quickly in January, but still have a magnificent bottom because that’s my body shape. I’ve always said the only effective weird tip to lose a big belly overnight is to give birth. BUT Subtle_badger has found from both experience & reading research (I think) that fasting is effective in losing visceral fat ie fat around the middle.
Ahw nice.. I'm headed in the right direction then, I'm currently working towards fasting 2 days a week 🎉
And congratulations on your weigh loss btw.
Subtle_badger I've already got lots of reading I want to get through at the moment, but if you have any talks or videos, please share x
Doh! I wrote a long reply to this with 3 references and a link to my post and then my browser crashed 😤 Let's try again.
Most of the fat in our body is either subcutaneous (under the skin) or visceral (around the organ). Belly fat is a mixture of both. I don't believe it is possible to pick where your body gives up subcutaneous fat, but it makes sense at least theoretically that you could target the quite different and more harmful visceral fat directly.
I wasn't looking to do that, but I found I could by accident.
Later I was reading this review paper, and noticed they reported the same effect had been found in 2 studies
However, I have now read** those two studies, and they both acknowledge the different is "not significant". That actually reflects my experience. My waist did not change much on 16:8. It takes prolonged fasting or calorie restriction for me to lose belly fat.
So, I don't have studies to back it up, but in my n=1 experiment, I can target belly fat. Will it work for you? 🤷♂️
**when I say "read", I mean "opened and searched for the word 'waist'"
I’ve seen blurb in the internet that says it reduces/maintains blood sugar & reduces insulin production. Both of those things will cause weight loss in an overweight person. When someone can explain how the biochemistry of how vinegar can do that, then I might believe it. While there have been trials showing this, were the diets otherwise the same - people tend to eat a loss less junk when scientists are watching over then....

Which is why you have randomised control trials... 🙄
Jason Fung is a fan, and he is normally very science based.
Thanks very much for this. So we can eat chips so long as they have vinegar on them? 🤣🤣🤣
And is it just Apple cider vinegar that works, or would balsamic work? 🤣

Curse the "grape must"!


No, that's crazy talk. You can only have chips with vinegar during your eating window!
I don’t even LIKE chips any more. What has happened to me??? 🙁
Note I used to wonder whether I’d look like a supermodel if I stopped eating chips. The answer is no. I was overestimating how many chips I ate...

The real question should have been, "if supermodels at chips, would they look like you?"
I don't know if I still like chips or not. I am not missing them, so won't risk trying them and triggering a hidden craving.
I always thought vinegar ruined them. Aioli FTW!
I’ve tried it...ACV is great when my sinus is acting up or I have inflammation. It also helps my digestion. But it never did anything about my weight. Anyways, if it helps with belly fat then it wouldn’t be much help for me since I’m a pear body type.
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Well I have started to drink this in the mornings 2teaspoons in water with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.. To be honest I dislike the taste and it leaves a burning sensation it may well be that I haven't diluted it properly... I started this 2days ago so will keep going
I have been using apple cider vinegar for a long time to improve my health and look better. I used to have problems with being overweight. It got to the point that I just didn't want to look at myself in the mirror because I was very fat. I was still studying at the university at that time and my roommate told me about apple cider vinegar. He really helped me lose weight. But for a long time I could not solve the problem of unpleasant taste for myself. Recently I found a way to solve it on the website
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