How to cut out fizzy drinks without he... - Weight Loss Support

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How to cut out fizzy drinks without headaches and mood swings?

Jaela2410 profile image
13 Replies

Okay so I’ve worked out what I’m eating isnt the problem however fizzy drinks are how do I cut them out completely? I get mood swings every time I try to stop

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13 Replies
Diane2 profile image

Hi I can't claim to know much about fizzy drinks but I know many contain caffeine so you could be experiencing caffeine withdrawal symptoms?

How about reducing your drinking habits bit by bit so if you were drinking four fizzy drinks a day,then try cutting it to three a day for a week, then two a day, and so on

Mix with water. As you wean yourself off fizzy drinks, try mixing them half and half with water.

Make yourself tasty smoothies as an alternative

This link may be helpful?

You will be really making a great step forward for your health by changing your choice of drink

Good luck!

Hi Jaela,

I used to drink gallons of fizzy drinks every day.

Seriously - at least 4 litres at work each day and at least the same at home too. (Diet Coke was my favoured fizz then it changed to Pepsi Max).

I switched from bottles to cans and got through at least 8 a day at work and probably 4 or 5 of an evening at home. More at weekends.

First drink of the day was a fizzy one. ( I don’t like tea or coffee - never have).

Now it’s water.

Now I am down to 1 can ( very occasionally 2) a day at work and 1 in the evening.

I did it by very, very gradual reduction.

I made a chart of how I was going to do it... I had several trays of cans stored in the garage and decided that I would work out how to cut right down .

I worked on a base figure of 12 cans a day.

Initially I did alternating numbers.. for example...

12 on Monday 10 on Tuesday 12 on Weds etc.,, for 1 week

Then I did 10 on Monday, 10 on Tues for 1 week

Then 10 on Monday, 8 on Tuesday, 10 on Weds etc ... again for 1 week

Then it was 8 each day for a week

Then I decided to try 6 a day.. with 8 on Sat & Sun... for 2 weeks...

Then 6 on Monday, 5 on Tuesday , 6 on Weds... etc and 6 on Sat & Sun

Then I changed to 5 on Monday, 4 on Tuesday & Weds, 5 on Thurs, 4 Friday and 5 on Sat & Sun

The next week it was 4 each

Most cans were drunk at work with just a couple at home.

I had previously tried going cold turkey but the withdrawal headaches were horrific so I thought it would be better to do it gradually.

Now I no longer crave a can with every meal or snack. I drink loads of water.

I still can’t stomach tea or coffee.

Diet Coke makes me hungry , Pepsi Max is absolutely what I prefer now.

I get the occasional bottle of cherry Pepsi max but a 2 litre bottle can last me over a week & if I have that I don’t have a can.

I know now that I can cut it out completely if I wish and I probably shall do.

I hope this helps you give up or vastly reduce your fizzy intake.

All the best


in reply to FatFairNFifty-ish

Wow. Impressive withdrawal. If you can do that, you can do anything!

I really recommend you get yourself under the care of a dentist though if you aren’t already. All those fizzy drinks will have taken their toll on your teeth - the carbon dioxide corrodes enamel.

FatFairNFifty-ish profile image
FatFairNFifty-ish in reply to

Thank you - I drank that level for decades, looked after my teeth throughout & have regular dental checkups - last one was just 2 weeks ago,

I’m grateful to my mother for instilling good dental health into me from as far back as I can remember.. but not for the introduction of fizzy drinks ! ( she used to work for Cadbury Schweppes ... discounted chocolate & Diet Coke ~ what could possibly go wrong 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄)

For me it was a case of drinking fizzy to fill me up so I wouldn’t eat so much - food is my real addiction. So it’s always been a case of deciding which was the lesser of 2 evils.

My daughters have plagued me for years to give up fizzy diet drinks ( I can’t drink full sugar ones, I don’t like the taste nor the feeling that my teeth are covered in sugar).

My daughters are delighted at my limited intake of fizzy stuff now 😊😊😊

in reply to FatFairNFifty-ish

Great. Sounds like you have it all covered. I used to drink Diet Coke for similar, ‘don’t eat’ reasons but it doesn’t work. The real solution to a food addiction - which I also had - is low carbs (which seem to make us unnecessarily hungry) and high fat, which fill us up. I’m quite early on this journey myself.

FatFairNFifty-ish profile image
FatFairNFifty-ish in reply to

I haven’t found my solution to my food addiction- but I’m a work in progress.

I’m still researching the whole LCHF thing... in the meantime have joined SW

I’d definitely recommend giving up fizzy drinks (diet or not). I’ve known for decades the potential health risks but was convinced they were the answer to my not spontaneous ly combusting due to excessive-eating.

Good luck to all who are facing the fizzy-drink withdrawal.

Good luck on your weight loss journey too 😊

in reply to FatFairNFifty-ish

Well. Watch out for Slimming World - they promote a high carb low fat diet which leads to food cravings. The Awful Toad on here has a lot of useful posts on LCHF. You should be able to search for him.

FatFairNFifty-ish profile image
FatFairNFifty-ish in reply to

I’m not sure I entirely agree regarding the high carb link to SW. It certainly used to be that way many years ago, when you were actively encouraged to pile up the spuds etc.

Nowadays , unless I’ve completely misunderstood their literature & group discussions, the focus is on eating lots of vegetables, fresh fruits, small amount of carbs and protein.

It’s certainly a lot more balanced approach than it used to be.

It is low fat, that’s for sure., but you’re encouraged to enjoy a mixed balanced healthy eating lifestyle combined with exercise too.

I have done SW & WW intermittently over the last 40 years & have seen lots of changes.

I’ve already read links from AT which are certainly very interesting & am not closed minded to the LCHF approach and am sure that many find that’s their chosen path and it certainly seems to be very popular on this site.

So I guess it’s ‘each to their own’... and good luck to us all 😊😊

in reply to FatFairNFifty-ish

I of course bow to your experience, I have never been a member of SW just heard about it from my mother in law. As I understand the theory of LCHF, is that we can only sustain eating fewer carbs if we eat more fat. But if it works for you, that’s great.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to FatFairNFifty-ish

Couldn't agree with Sfg more. I moved to lchf last year and all the cravings that I put down to lack of willpower have 'miraculously' dissipated. l still have problems with stress eating but that's another story :( :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image

I was also a big fan of Diet Coke but stopped for several reasons, the caffeine content was one but also I found it gave me sugar cravings. I switched to tonic water and then fizzy water. 😊

Changing habits takes time and we each have to find a way that works for us, some go “cold turkey” or other prefer a step by step, it depends upon your personality

Good luck!

babss profile image
babss2 stone

I too had awful headaches when I cut back on my Diet Coke habit. I was drinking 6 cans during my working day and went cold turkey. They lasted about a week I think (this was 20 years ago so can’t be sure)

I think gradual withdrawal is the way to go. I now have 1-2 Pepsi max a day as a caffeine fix ( I don’t drink tea or coffee) and find I get palpitations if I have more 😱 am aiming to wean myself off this year

FatFairNFifty-ish profile image
FatFairNFifty-ish in reply to babss

Well done babss.

Just 2 cans a day is brilliant!

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