Hi I joined this and have been following the hflc diet with some success As lost half a stone but after 3 months of this I had expected more. I know I am perimenstral and it’s hard to lose so trying to remain positive. But last night my daughter came to me in floods of tears as she put her age/weight into a bmi calculator and it came up as 98% so heavily overweight. I know it’s puppy fat because she takes after me and I was heavy as a child but went super skinny when a teenager. She is comparing herself to all the other girls in her class who are tiny but many of them started periods 2-3 years ago and others are naturally small. She has only just started her period. Is hflc suitable for her ?
I will start walking / running with her to try and get her metabolism going and look at swimming for her. Also enquiring about local classes like Zumba which might be more fun for her ? She rows at school but it appears that the coaches are only interested in the main squad and leaves the other girls to fend for themselves.
What do you advise ?