Well I had lost 5 lb and was feeling more hopeful. But on Sunday I suddenly got this awful condition in my feet meaning I’m on crutches. So now I’m not exercising and hardly moving I’m putting the weight back on. So has anybody got any exercises without being on feet OR VERY low cal meals. Thank you
Plantar Fasciitis : Well I had lost 5 lb... - Weight Loss Support
Plantar Fasciitis

Oh I feel for you k1T2P ☹️ I have mobility issues also and have to keep my calories low, also carbohydrates. Use the NHS BMI checker for an accurate calorie target. For exercise I would look at anything you can do without pain, and also google anything that will help the condition. I do yoga (and indoor cycling but tha5 may not be an option)
For food ideas look at the Daily Diary 😊
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Hi ive had that, ouch !! Very painful ! Please make sure you do the exercises the doctor gave you, I did them avidly and it still took 6 month to clear up, someone else I know had it and only did the exercises in a fashion and hers took a year to clear up !
I only have a foot roller. Is this enough ? I’m trying to work in a class, but haven’t been able to go to work this week. I couldn’t put my foot to the floor yesterday
No the sheet of exercises the doc gave me included putting a towel over your toes whilst sat on the floor and pull your toes towards you and standng on a step and dropping the back of your heel off the step, I would google it I were you, you might be able to find diagrams. I still stretch them now, don't ever want that back ! Feel so sorry for you x
Yes, those are both good exercises as well, the aim is to stretch it out, heat packs and ice packs help also, and to elevate the foot when you can, and pain relief, anti inflamatories, so brufen if you can take it
Yes, by its painful though isnt it ? Eveything I read about it said keep everything stretched even wear wedged shoes to stretch, never totally flat and never bare foot . I dont even wear flat slippers now, the only footwear I buy now is skechers , dont ever want that back ! Lol
Ooh yes, total agony, I use to cry with the pain, and you can't really describe it to anyone?? I'm sure I was spaced out on pain killers half the time when I had it 😜
I had this years ago and it lasted a good year or more. I had good days and bad days. Changing my shoes made it worse, so I lived in the same ones all the time. My Doctor suggested a trip to the Chiropodist to get some insoles made. I have to say they did help, but were a bit expensive!
Wishing you all the best
Ouch, I've had that, then last year got Achillies tendinitis, physio gave me exercises, straighten leg an flex your foot up, toes towards you, and stretch it. Also a golf ball, put in freezer so is nice and cold, then roll foot over it back and forwards on floor, had my tendinitis for about 9 months, was agony, hope it settles soon
I just hope it settles to a manageable state so I can carry on my walking and diet I was feeling so much more positive and I don’t need setbacks. I’ll do all I can to help myself. I’m currently using a pair of crutches. Do wonder if it’s something other than plantar because I’ve had mild plantar for six months but it’s never knocked me off my feet before. x
Well it can be really painful? I had thought I had plantar again last year, but as you say, I couldn't walk far without being in agony, 2 exrays later, and they diagnosed Achillies tendinitis!! I would go get a second opinion??
Normally with plantar, it gradually eases off when you start to move it, anything achlies related, gets increasingly more painful when moved or walked on
Get in the pool ! It’s helped me so much .
I can’t swim and scared of water x
I had this in both feet, worse in left - I rolled it over a golf ball three times a day for six weeks and it went away. V painful but it did go.
Ouch!!! that is a sore thing!! I am sorry for you. Can you get to swimming? It’s non weight bearing and great exercise
I can’t swim
You know it is never too late to learn though. A friend of mine overcame her fear of water and learned to swim later in life, I know our local pool has adult lessons.
On the subject of plantar fasciitis, a colleague of mine got a special sock which she wore at night that kept the foot in a flexed position and it really helped her. She bought it on the internet
Sorry for being insensitive, I just saw that you replied to rodeomum that you cannot swim. My apologies, but it is such good exercise. I do hope you find something that helps
sorry you are in so much pain like lucigret I had insoles made by a podiatrist which did seem to help over time. I have had a few bouts of this over the years and thank goodness it eventually passes. I agree with Caromia2015 though - usually once you can get your feet (so painfully!) on to the floor you can usually walk about until you sit down, then it is agony to stand up again. If they are equally painful the whole time when you are on your feet I would get checked out for other conditions.
Exercise wise, I love Caroline Jordan Chair Cardio, she has various videos on You Tube.
Hope you are soon on the mend
Painful. I also have suffered with this on and off for years.
Best thing I have found to help is to wear a good supportive shoe. I only wear a brand called fitflop now. These shoes although expensive,offer the best support ever.
Take a look. They are great.
I have had this painful condition. Have you had it confirmed by a doctor? A podiatrist can help with exercises, massage and inserts to put in your footwear. You can buy gel inserts to help relieve the pressure on your heel, and avoid shoes with very flat soles and heels.
Using a rowing machine or static bike will keep you fit, as will swimming. Yoga, Pilates and classes like Bodystretch will help with flexibility and stretch the hamstrings and tendons. You can do lots without hurting your feet. Hope you feel better soon.
Chair exercise look on utube
Hello Chubby64, that’s another good idea, thank you 😊
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Also, this may sound silly, but seriously consider changing your username, we become what we are labelled and something more positive could be very helpful 😊
My husband has this at the moment. I made him go to the osteopath and it has worked wonders. Very painful sessions to start with but he’s able to stand walk and get out of bed without a struggle. Just in one month. He also has a roller and is doing Pilates. Good luck

Oh I sympathize I had that too - I don’t know if coincidence but I was given a strong course of ibuprofen 600mg, some may wuestion not ideal but it Cleared up! Ask your doc - keep up the excercise & impact on your diet plan if not moving but you can still loose weight with Major excercise - good luck & take care 😀
Had that before. It's horrible so I do feel for you. The doc may have suggested using a tennis ball on your foot. Believe me, it definitely helps. Swimming is excellent non weight bearing. If you go to a gym, they can also work out a non weight bearing exercise regime for you which will help. Orthopaedic soles in my shoes eventually sorted the issue for me but it does take time.
Not a reply with a recipe but to tell you about a great product to help with the plantar facciitis. Google ‘Heelease’. It’s amazing. It’s a little vibrating device that you strap to your foot and let it do it’s work for 10 minutes 3 times a day. It worked for me and I’ve not had the pain for over a year now. x
After 15 months I decided to have shock wave therapy which totally got rid of it. Was told it would be painful but wasn't just a bit uncomfortable
Oh no, I’ve had that and it sucks! Firm insoles helped as did wearing shoes with a slight heel or my Dr Martens. Sorry to say it last 13 months and then one day it was just gone, pain free for 2 yeRs now, so random. You have to keep moving, gently massaging first thing also helped xx
Oh my goodness, I also suffer with this condition it is so painful and sympathise with you. Those first five steps in the morning are like standing on an up turned plug. I had to abandon c25k and changed to swimming, and I also do a cycling programme at the gym. Keep strong there is an exercise programme you can adapt while you heal. I was also told sugar is an aggravating factor how true this is I don't know but I cut it out of my diet and I have seen some improvement but have been keeping to a healthy diet and lost weight which can also be a trigger Everything helps. Hope you feel better soon.
Hello Stitchintime and welcome to the forum 😊 If you haven’t already, then please read the Welcome post here which has lots of useful information about all the things we have on offer healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...
I had this last year started Christmas 2017 and it final went Sept 2018! Put a pop bottle filled with water in the freezer and roll your foot over it also roll your foot over a tennis ball. I got some support socks off amazon that helped lots. It takes a long time heal and you can’t explain the pain. Good luck x
I had plantar fascitis last year and know just how painful this is. The lovely nurse practitioner at our surgery, suggested crossing knees and then writing the alphabet with you foot/ankle. That was her expression but it was just a matter of keeping the foot and ankle exercised. Just one foot and then the next. I also had some great high strength ibuprofen gel which seemed to help a lot. Keep smiling it will go - eventually but the exercises certainly helped.
I see you've already had plenty of helpful advice and suprising how many others had it. Can't add anything other than hope it eases soon and good luck

Hi I really feel for you. I had that 3 years ago and it wasn't diagnosed or treated properly and I ended up with a cyst, a torn ligament and lots of bone and cartilage floating in my ankle. Ended have a 3 hour op. I put on loads of weight from being immobile on and off for just over 2years. Avoid cake, biscuits and high fat high sugar foods. I found some upper body exercises I could do while sitting in a chair. You could Google that and see if you find anything suitable. I hope you soon recover.
So sorry K1T2P I have this and it's miserable isn't it.
Someone else said about stretching exercises from the doctor...yes very important to get proper advise and stick at it...and yes it might take a while. I also got a podiatrist appointment and special insoles and wedges, and new shoes, and I'm sure that's helped me most of all...you have to wear them all the time, even indoors. I also found some relief from pain with a drinks can to roll under the foot, keeping it in the fridge helps too (Look on line or ask doctor), and also pain killing gels, and I also found a tens machine helped with pain in the evenings. Weight loss perhaps has helped me too...but all of those things and over a year now I am seeing slow improvement. Wishing you well, and good luck. x

Fit Flops or Sketchers that constantly roll the foot when walking, heel drop exercises on the stairs, and not going barefoot or wearing flat shoes really helped me. Hope you see some improvement soon... Xx

I had this a few years ago and I had a very painful injection in it and thank god as it has not come back touch wood
A long time ago, after a knee operation which prevented me exercising for quite a while, I purchased an exercise chair from EBay, which allows you to exercise your entire body while sitting down. It was not very expensive either! It lasts forever & you can do as few or as many exercises as the fancy takes you. While you are busy on the chair, you tone your muscles & are less tempted to snack! Google it & see whether it might be something for you!
I feel your pain. I had this for a year after trying to get fit and learning to run. Try stretching feet both ways and rolling them even try ibropofen gel mine eventually just went. Loads of advise on internet. Hope you soon get rid of it .
I hate when that happens! I do not have any chair exercises but I know they exist. I usually try to manage through the plantar fasciitis until it goes away so I can keep walking. I bought a home ultrasound device which takes 3 weeks of using twice a day to heal it. I have used prescription NSAID gel and 500mg Naproxen to relieve the pain. I bought Hoka shoes and Arch Mold shoe inserts for arch support. I bought compression socks, went to a chiropractor, tried the frozen golf ball under my foot too. When all that failed to help, I went to the podiatrist and he taped my foot so I could keep walking. Maybe try cycling for exercise. Best of luck.
I had Plantar Fasciitis to one degree or another for over a year. It is a horrible thing to have. Then I decided to ‘throw the kitchen sink at it’ to manage it . You have to start to fix this first to help you lose weight. Of all the things I have done Yoga has been the most useful. I also tackled my food intake and have lost 20lbs. Result is that the Plantar is almost gone and I hardly notice it any more. Good luck.