Having been a Vegetarian for the last 3 years my diet has been fluctuating to say the least. I'm aiming to lose around 1.5 stone in the next 3 months to aid in improving my health both physically and mentally. I currently suffer with Bursitis in my left hip which has been ongoing for the last 7 months which has led to me not being able to go out hill walking. I've also had to put a gym membership on hold to. My biggest weakness are Cheese, Take Away's, Chocolate, Crisps, Cake and Ice Cream. I've decided enough is enough, For the sake of my health I need to start taking it seriously, I currently work shifts as a Support Worker which can make things hard finding a balance when it comes to eating. I tend to either go into Gregg's on the way home from work or go in to my local Co Op and end up eating rubbish. One of the things I want to cut out all together is Cheese as I find it's my biggest weakness by far. I've not been able to walk the Dog as much as I want to with the issue with my Hip but want to start getting us both out more. I want to start practising yoga at home to help strengthen my hips and also start meditating more often to. My biggest goal is to look my best for when I get married in May. One of the goals I want to achieve at some point in the future is to not need to be on medication for my depression and anxiety.
Ready to give myself a massive kick up... - Weight Loss Support
Ready to give myself a massive kick up the backside!

Hello Neil_0079 , it's a few months since you were here. Now you're re-commiting to losing weight, I hope you'll spend a lot of time on the forum and make use of all there is to help you. As a reminder, you'll find a list of all the forum activities here healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...
I wouldn't give up on cheese. I eat plenty of it and have been able to lose weight well. The other things you mention aren't much good but cheese is. Think in terms of fresh produce, plenty of veg, eggs, making meals in bulk and freezing them so you always have something in when you get home
Hi Neil_0079
Ive always thought of cheese as my nemesis and something to cut out but i realistically cant. Im also vegetarian and cheese is a great substitute for meat for me.
I have struggled with my weight for the past couple of years and assumed it was doen to the amount of cheese but i started to keep a food diary and that was enlightening!
I yend to plan my meals on a friday night for the week ahead and only buy in what i need to fit that plan. I have been slacking this month and have embraced the celebrations a little toomuch but ill get back on track in Jan!
I found it helps when i write my intentions in the Daily Diary post and hope to see you there!
Were a friendly bunch 😀
Hi Neil_0079
I am a vegetarian too and realise now I was eating too many carbs because I needed more fat and protein. I eat eggs and beans/ pulses, nuts and some cheese. My best weight loss protein is lentils which I buy in a precooked pack. Mixed with tomatoes, olives cucumber some olive oil etc make a very satisfying lunch for me. Maybe you could take a snack with you for the end of your shift to prevent the shop detour on the way home?
Have a good Christmas and best wishes for achieving your weight loss goal in the new year.
Best of luck to you!
You've got a great year ahead to look forward to. We'll all be here to answer your questions and give any support you need. Post often and let us know how you are getting on😍
I've really crashed as my partner would say on Boxing Day night, I had to take a Diazapam just so I could get to work this morning. I've self referred for both talking therapy and also CBT as well. On boxing Day both me and my partner got loads of food such as chocolate, fudge and cookies which I briefly dipped into but then this morning I've said no I can't go on like that. Heaven help the poor dog as he is going to be taken for daily walks again and come hell or high water I've got to keep fighting.
That's the disadvantage of having a dog is that you can't tell them no they can't have their walkies if it's raining!
We have lots left over and we will give it away to charity.
Neil, if you want support from the forum you need to come here very often, every day if possible. You don't need to post, just join in chats and support other people. And join a weigh in, so you get to know a regular team.
And most of all, you need a plan - not just what you won't eat but what you will. Not being too restrictive with calories or you'll just crack and get stuck into all those things you were talking about in your opening post