Lost motivation : I have been trying so... - Weight Loss Support

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Lost motivation

Mel7741 profile image
Mel774110 kg
13 Replies

I have been trying so hard in the last few months to keep losing weight. I have 15ish Kgs to lose still. Please give me advise what keeps you going?? I thought I was going great until I just stopped doing so well

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Mel7741 profile image
10 kg
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13 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

You have to keep logging on and participating, Mel. It's a week since you weighed in, so hop over to the weigh-in now and reconnect with the rest of your group. It's 6 days since you posted on the DD, or anywhere else on the forum.

Why not post on the What's Happening Today, every day. See what others are up to and how they keep going. By transferring your focus to others, you get the happy result of your own motivation being renewed.

Had you noticed the post before yours, JOPAT111 is also struggling, so you could support each other. You could also join the other strugglers, in the Strugglers' Club.

You reap what you sow. Onwards and downwards! :)

Mel7741 profile image
Mel774110 kg in reply to moreless

Thank you for your reply. I just logged weight and I will start logging on the food diary everyday. I am feeling better now just had a downer for a minute. I will do this as its something that I want for myself. And yes I will participate more and support everyone else. 😊😊

Pineapple27 profile image

Hi Mel7741

Start by making a list of the reasons WHY you want to lose weight. Keep it somewhere safe (stuck to the inside of a kitchen cupboard door?) and look at it from time to time, especially when you are raiding the kitchen for treats!

I always ask myself before eating something really calorific "Do I really want to eat this thing more than I want to lose weight this week?". It's called "mindful eating" - being aware of why you are considering eating - real hunger? Boredom? Temptation? Feeling fed up?

Have a glass of water, wait 5 minutes and consider whether you still want the food. Once it's been snaffled down, it's too late and you may end up feeling cross and angry with yourself....

....and that feeling (guilt, failure) lasts for a long time, much longer than the temporary enjoyment of whatever treat you ate....

Oh, and I always remind myself how good the feeling is of seeing a loss on the scales at my weekly weigh in! That wonderful feeling lasts for days! Don't forget how that feels - you need to remind yourself of that feeling next time temptation strikes!

Mel7741 profile image
Mel774110 kg in reply to Pineapple27

Thank you pineapple27 for your advice I will try the list and also I am loving all the support of this group. I will come on here everyday and support others and log food. I am going to be more positive from now. 😊😊

crochet19 profile image
crochet19 in reply to Pineapple27

Hey! That's brilliant advice! I'm definitely going to do that! :)

Diane2 profile image
Diane2 in reply to Pineapple27

Thank you Pineapple, really useful advice. Have been musing on why should there be a link between feelings (bored,restless,down etc )and food. I bought a range of healthy veg snacks yesterday but have been thinking that doesn't break the link between feelings and food. Might be too hard to make all these changes all at once but trying to be more mindful of what is going on for me sounds helpful.

Good luck Mel7741, hope all goes well for you tomorrow!

S11m profile image

One option might be to reconsider your target weight, and think about maintaining at your current weight?

What BMI/Bodyfat percentage would you like?

Are you tall or athletic? because, if you are, the NHS BMI recommendations might be too lean.

Mel7741 profile image
Mel774110 kg in reply to S11m

Thanks for the reply S11m

I think I will just take it a week at a time as it is going to take a while to get to where I want to be. 😊😊

SewMore profile image
SewMoreRestart August 2024


Are you logging your food, trying to eat healthier and within the BMI ranges, or are you doing something more complicated like skipping meals (5:2) etc?

What is making these past few months now more difficult?

In my case it took a long time to put all this weight on, and I am expecting it will take me a long time to lose it.

A marathon not a sprint. Ideally I want this process to be normal - trying to remember its my choice on what to eat, rather than framing this as a diet that is a difficult burden.

I did give up halfway through this year, I got lazy with logging and then I didn’t want to weigh in and so on. Now I’ve decided I really do want to do this for me and my well-being so I’ve started again.



Mel7741 profile image
Mel774110 kg in reply to SewMore

Thanks sarah73uk for your reply

I am doing intermittent fasting 16 8 but maybe I will stop that for a little bit and just eat 3 healthy meals a day. I will also log in the food diary as well. 😊😊

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to SewMore

“ I want this process to be normal - trying to remember its my choice on what to eat, rather than framing this as a diet that is a difficult burden.”

Very wise words 😊👏. We need to enjoy the process, not just focus on the end result. That’s like “going to a football match and only watching the scoreboard” (Not my analogy but I love it)

crochet19 profile image

Hey Mel7741

Looks like you are doing a brilliant job! Keep going!! Maybe think of something you can do as a treat when you get to a certain weight (not food), like a spa day!

Good luck, we are all cheering you on! x

13Valerie profile image

Mel, motivation ebbs and flows. When lacking motivation, the best thing to do is to take an ACTION. Any action will do... Drinking a glass of water, going for a few minutes walk, a good stretch and a deep breath.

See how you feel after

Best wishes 🌺

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