Ex smoker and foodie, desperate to los... - Weight Loss Support

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Ex smoker and foodie, desperate to lose some weight!

FoodLover123 profile image
13 Replies

Hi everyone, my first post here. Before I stopped smoking last Christmas I was already tipping the scales at 15st, so I was overweight. I stopped smoking over Christmas and it was like the perfect storm for me. My belly thought my throat had been cut due to stopping smoking and there was plenty of rubbish to stuff my face on due to the time of the year. In retrospect it wasn't the best time of the year to stop smoking. So now I'm weighing in at 17st 2lb or thereabouts. I'm 6ft and most of the weight has gone on my gut. So I look like I've got a big beer belly but I don't drink.

At first I thought "deal with one problem at a time", I could live with putting the weight on as long as I stopped smoking. Trouble is that just isn't true. Because of the weight gain all I'm thinking about is starting smoking again to curb my appetite. Which I know isn't the right thing to do. I feel stressed and miserable but I can't talk to my partner about it. I'ma real food lover and I really enjoy tasting new cuisines and dishes. So somehow I've got to try and do that in a healthier way.

So now I'm at the stage where I'm ready to really cut back on what I'm eating. I'm not expecting it to be easy though. What makes it harder is I've always over eaten but I got away with it until I hit my 20's. So it's breaking life long habits really.

I love long distance walking but the extra weight means I can't put the miles in as well as I could, but I can still do a full day of hard hill walking so I'm hoping to burn plenty of calories that way. :-)

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FoodLover123 profile image
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13 Replies
Bungiecat profile image

Take small steps change in eating habit at a time and you will see the change Gail

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, Foodlover123 :)

Oh dear, I've been where you are, so can empathise! I used to smoke and each time I gave up, I gained weight, up to 4 stone! Each time I started smoking again, as it was easier than trying to lose the weight by cutting back on the food.

This time, I did it differently. I gave up booze, fags and junk food, all at the same time! No crutches, just hard work, but this time, my eating habits changed.

Gone was the low calorie, low fat diet, instead I opted for the much easier route of Low Carb High Fat. I cut out the foods that spiked an insulin response and didn't have to deal with the cravings any more. The fact that you've mentioned a non-beer belly suggests to me that you're carrying visceral fat, caused by a high carb diet. I suggest you read this phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...

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Wishing you all the best :)

Tedbear42 profile image
Tedbear42 in reply to moreless

I have tried the LCHF diet, and though I agree it does help you lose weight, the side effect that is never mentioned is chronic, painful constipation. As I am on three different Hypertensive medications the option of increasing my salt intake to alleviate the constipation was not an option. As a result I abandoned the LCHF and very quickly put on all the weight I had lost. LCHF is not for everybody.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Tedbear42

It has never affected me like that, Tedbear42, but I guess we're all different. I eat tons of roughage in the form of vegetables, so I guess that helps.

We each have to find what works for us, as individuals, but we need to know our options to be able to find out what that's going to be :)

I hope you'll be able to get to the root cause of your hypertension.

Tedbear42 profile image
Tedbear42 in reply to moreless

I have had the Hypertension for over 20 years and undergone numerous tests, with no resolution. I live with it and don't worry about now.

I agree 100% that we are all individuals and must experiment to we fin the correct lifestyle that maintains a healthy weight.

No criticism of you was intended, I just wish that all dietary advice, like medicines, carried side effects and contraindication warnings and advice

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Tedbear42

That's a shame, haven't all those medications had any effect? :(

I guess there are some things in life we have to 'suck it and see', or we'd never try anything, for fear of getting it wrong :)

Tedbear42 profile image
Tedbear42 in reply to moreless

They have had a modifying effect, but my blood pressure is still above the recommended 120/80. As I say not only me but also my Doctor now realises that it is the best it will ever be. The real annoying thing is that I have given up alcohol, and that has made no difference. Life is not fair.

This is the best forum I have been on, thanks everybody for the suggestions and support.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Tedbear42

I know this is a shot in the dark and I could be accused of oversimplifying, but I spent years being told my blood pressure was too high, given ECG's, induced labour and goodness knows what else, until by accident, I realised I had white coat syndrome, where the stress of getting my bp taken, raised my bp!

With my own monitor, my bp isn't high at all!

Any chance you could be the same?

Tedbear42 profile image
Tedbear42 in reply to moreless

Unfortunately not, even on my own monitor it is high. I also went a portable twenty four monitor for over a week which automatically sent the reading to a remote computer 24/7. Still no good news

Nice thought and thank you.

G1nny profile image
G1nny in reply to Tedbear42

I too have never had that problem either. I use potassium chloride instead of salt due to high blood pressure. I eat a lot of spinach. Hope you find a balance that works for you.

S11m profile image

Hi, FoodLover123

If your problem is a distended abdomen, rather than subcutaneous (under-skin) belly fat, then I think you might have Gluten Intolerance, IBS or Coeliac Disease...

Cutting out Gluten cuts down on calories and carbohydrates, so it could be a triple benefit.

jo13bi profile image
jo13bi2 stone

Hi FoodLover123,

firstly congratulations on giving up smoking. I know that that is no easy thing, it is something I have seen my sister struggle with(she is currently trying to give up smoking before looking at losing weight). I know it is hard but you have come so far with giving up smoking, don't give up now.

Regards the weight, its why we are all here and you have conquered one craving so you know you can do it. As Bungiecat says just take small steps and don't beat yourself up over any little (or for that matter big) slips.

I love food too but find that losing weight doesn't mean you have to give up taste, there are so many good healthy recipes out there. This week I tried the cauliflower pizza recipe that I think is on here somewhere (thank you whoever) and have had a go at carrot and apple muffins which amazed me that they taste so good with NO flour, sugar or butter in. I personally calorie count but may yet try nhs plan. There are lots of options out there and you just need to find one that is sensible and works for you.

I love walking too and the hillwalking is a great activity. For me the 'trigger points' are sitting at home on the sofa, which is when I feel like I want tea/biscuits/cake/wine/crisps so I try to avoid this either by going for a walk/run, doing housework or just having something in my hands that I am concentrating on. So work out when is your weakest time and try to replace the habit there first.

Sorry its such a long reply, but like all of the people here we so want you to succeed and not slip back to smoking. Lots of luck, you can do this!


T2328 profile image

I understand where you are coming from. I blame giving up smoking for my weight gain also but then realised that I gave up 16 years ago and am still putting on weight! I have signed up for our local 'Talking health' scheme which is going to help me look at why I eat and use food as a kind of 'reward system' and I am hoping that might help.

I too struggle to walk any distance due to my weight and my feet hurting but I know that if I want to loose weight then I need to walk more. It's bit of a chicken and egg situation.

I am trying to walk more each day but it is hard and I think that walking hills is a good way to start. Well done for being so motivated.

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