Well failed a bit yesterday with the working from home and eat a biscuit - a lovely choc shortbread but I did go to the gym and walk the dog twice and have a really healthy salad for lunch. Today though we are going to a family lunch to a restaurant and I don’t know how to order?
Eek 😬 : Well failed a bit yesterday... - Weight Loss Support
Eek 😬
Even if that choccy bic took you over the top of your calorie range, it's not going to make a difference in the scheme of things. I don't know what your regime is but it doesn't sound like a fail to me Tal.
Haven’t got a regime really, trying to cut down on food portion sizes and no processed sugar, avoiding cakes, biscuits and my big love crisps as well as moving more
Those are potentially commendable aims. I'm not saying you shouldn't cut out the things you're trying to cut out and for some people that is there only option but I do believe that we should make our journey as easy as possible and ultimately, as enjoyable as possible.
Not many of us were born to be monk like.
Hi Tal65 - I have the same dilemma as you today, off out lunchtime to weatherspoons as for a family meal. I've had a look at their website for lower calorie options in advance, just to prepare myself for when I have to choose!
I'm also considering my other meals and tomorrow's choices to see if I can allow for something a bit more indulgent today if I can make it back up tomorrow.
This way, I won't feel as guilty for going out will feel that I am still sticking to plan. This may men a little change such as a chicken burger instead of one loaded with cheese and bacon or picking a salad option. Even going for a smaller plate rather than a large mixed grill that I might have had in the past.
My advice would be to look at the wider picture. Have those extra calories if you fancy them today but plan less the next few days to counter act your choice =)
I hope you have a great time whatever your choice is!
Thank you Steelad. That’s good advice
I agree that one biscuit won't make a big difference on the long run but I find one biscuit sets off sugar cravings and can then I completely fall off the wagon. Some people can do moderation and others it has to be all or nothing!