with losing weight its all a matter of starting small and then working up to bigger things rather than do everything at once.
I had a pulmonary embolism a few weeks ago and it has inspired me to make some changes like only working contracted hours at work and accepting things I cant do anything about and taking steps to help myself as this afternoon I went for a walk and decided to try some hills and managed them without any problems whereas when I had just been released from hospital I couldn't do a small incline without stopping and that's 3 weeks ago now and I am now doing hills and stairs without problems.
its a matter of building up to the big hills which I hope to tackle very soon. The nurse at the hospital had told me that it any exercise hurt then I was to stop after I had asked her when would it be safe to resume exercise and she had said do what you can and if it hurts stop.
I have an outpatients appointment in February with the consultant to catch up with things and my friend says if I carry on like this he will be very pleased with me.