Small changes make a big difference - Weight Loss Support

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Small changes make a big difference

13 Replies

with losing weight its all a matter of starting small and then working up to bigger things rather than do everything at once.

I had a pulmonary embolism a few weeks ago and it has inspired me to make some changes like only working contracted hours at work and accepting things I cant do anything about and taking steps to help myself as this afternoon I went for a walk and decided to try some hills and managed them without any problems whereas when I had just been released from hospital I couldn't do a small incline without stopping and that's 3 weeks ago now and I am now doing hills and stairs without problems.

its a matter of building up to the big hills which I hope to tackle very soon. The nurse at the hospital had told me that it any exercise hurt then I was to stop after I had asked her when would it be safe to resume exercise and she had said do what you can and if it hurts stop.

I have an outpatients appointment in February with the consultant to catch up with things and my friend says if I carry on like this he will be very pleased with me.

13 Replies
Ceals profile image

Sounds like you are making huge amounts of progress, well done for finding the silver lining in your pulmonary embolism. You have clearly taken charge and are motoring on. I suspect your friend is right the consultant should be very pleased with you.

Keep on keeping on.

in reply to Ceals

thanks. Its early days though and I am thinking to myself what can I learn from this and looking at different things such as is it time to restart an exercise program and get clearance off the doctor like I did before I went back to work.

Ceals profile image
Ceals in reply to

It is always good to get the nod from your Doctor, but we must remember we are in charge of our own bodies and we know a lot about how we feel. You will find information about your condition on the internet and will no doubt find that different people have done different things.

However, none of us on here are medically qualified so you need to take charge of yourself and listen to what your consultants says but also be prepared to ask questions (go with a list if need be) and make sure you ask why, whenever you are told that you must/mustn't/should/shouldn't do something. It is your body and you are in charge of you.

I wish you well, the more you learn about your condition the better off you will be - at least that is what i always think.

Honey10 profile image

I had two large pulmonary embolisms on 1st of March this year, so can relate to this.mine was a rare side effect of medication, I was on blood thinners for 6 months. Please to say feeling much better now, wishing you a speedy recovery. I would advise building up slowly to exercise. I was advised in my case to take two weeks off work, no point going back if unwell. Hope your feeling yourself soon, take care.

in reply to Honey10

I was off 2 weeks as well and called on my gp to ask if it was ok if I went back there and he signed me back on saying about doing reduced hours for a few weeks.

I am on rivaroxaban for 6 months as well which is going ok.

they're not sure what it was that caused mine though.

Honey10 profile image
Honey101lb in reply to

You, take care

Bernieis8 profile image

What a constructive response to a health challenge

In spite of all the inspirational talk we are exposed to about all we can achieve if we aim high etc I think a part of growing older and wiser is

Know your limits

Small changes can= big results

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Well done on the changes you are making to your fitness Hidden 😊. Have you made any changes to your eating habits as well? Small reduction in calories can add up to considerable weight loss.

I’m looking forward to seeing more of you on the forum in 2018

Best wishes


in reply to IndigoBlue61

yes. I have cut down on red meats and sweet things and I am eating more fruit and veg and fish as well and cut back on fizzy drinks replacing them with sugar free squash and sparking water and cut back on biscuits and take aways and meals out so yes I have and so far so good.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Great news Hidden 😊. Stick with us and you will soon see the pounds melting away

13Valerie profile image

Congratulations on making positive changes. Keep posting your progress as you are such an inspiration!!

Yes small changes really do as up 😂

in reply to 13Valerie

i have been writing down a weekly exercise program for myself and discussing it over lunchtime today and I am looking forward to the weekend workouts already that I have written down and planned for myself.

tomorrow its back to work and I am going to fit in some short walks there during the day as I have a desk job which I don't think helped matters before I was taken ill as I would work too hard and not get up for hours on end which I don't think helped matters and also I was looking for other jobs which i feel caused problems as it was stressful so I will put that on hold for a while and there were things there which seem petty now that put me out like the attitude of management as whenever i asked for things it was always no so I know not to do that again unless something really cant wait.

its amazing how small and petty things mount up.

there's nothing I can do about the being told no ad infinitum as I cant make people do things they don't want to do but I can do something about how I react to it.

also I have planned to just work my contracted hours 8/4 Monday to Friday and not do loads like I did.

I am coming round to the idea that maybe being ill was the best thing that could have happened to me as it has made me make some long overdue changes in life.

13Valerie profile image
13Valerie in reply to

Good for tou. A bright beginning to a whole new year.

I wish you every success😊

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