Hi i am suffering from depression and anxiety it makes it so difficult to get out. But i have gained 3 stone during the last 18 months. I cant stop eating chocolate i will eat a packet of biscuits a day plus six to seven small mars bars a day. I wake up 2 3 times a night to eat chocolate. Its adding to the pressure i hate the way i look and feel its stopping me to push myself out its hard with the depression to make it through the door but the wsy i feel and look has made it a 100 times harder .
Help: Hi i am suffering from depression... - Weight Loss Support

Great to have you join us littlebear28
Sorry you are suffering with depression, I hope your GP or health professional has been able to offer advice or help..
Welcome and enjoy the forum...
I'd like to invite you to join our Newbie Club, which we trust will be a good place for you to connect with other members, who like you are also just starting out on this forum. Please post a few words to introduce yourself and respond to others there, you'll soon realise the encouragement and support this forum offers.
Here's the link:
Cheering you on to reach your goals 🎉🎉🎉
I can relate to depression and anxiety. I feel the same way but once I started to lose I felt much better about myself. Exercising really helps my anxiety as well. You might try something like meditation which helps too. Distraction is good when it comes to cravings, like reading, crafts, music, a hot bath, exercise. Just cutting out the sweets will make a big difference. Good luck!

Thank you px

Thank you px
The thing about chocolate littlebear28 is that it is addictive, same with any refined carbohydrates. The more you have the more you want.
Is it possible to wean yourself onto good quality dark chocolate, say 85%-90% cocoa solids? There is much less sugar in this and sugar is a big problem for anyone trying to lose weight, much more of a problem than good healthy fats - by that I mean things like olive oil, butter, coconut oil and avocados.
Take things slowly, unless you are an all or nothing person. I stopped having any sugar about Christmas last year and any cravings I had just disappeared.
Good luck and come on the forum regularly to get the most out of it. I can see you have replied to Melhall below so you are really one of the forum family now.
Take care

Welcome, Littlebear, I'm so glad you found us. This is a lovely, supportive place and many have been where you are now. All of us have struggled with weight so nobody will judge you (and you should not judge yourself either). Life happens and sometimes it's harder to deal with either. That's what's so great about this forum, we're all here to help and support each other and also to remind each other of these things as we all forget sometimes.
Good luck.

Hi little bear,
I feel your pain, I too am an emotional eater. I used to (and possibly could now) think nothing of munching through a whole packet of biscuits followed by a family bar of chocolate.
I’ve managed to find a couple of coping mechanisms, I’m sure you will too!
Well done for recognising you want to change - it’s the first step.
Good luck with your first week - I’m cheering you on 👏 x
There are a lot of people who eat emotionally on here, me being one of them especailly so when Im tired too I like joining in with the happiness challenge Its a little bit like seeing something to make you happy other than eating and focusing on that xx

Thank you px