Daily Diary Sunday 29th October 2017 - Weight Loss Support

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Daily Diary Sunday 29th October 2017

55 Replies

Hello all, welcome to Sunday's daily diary. Don't forget you have an extra hour - enjoy a lie in! I'm very happy as it means my alarm goes off an hour later for my 5am shift at work :-D

Let us know what you're planning, share your ideas so I can cherry pick some inspiration. If you're having a good day or week, or not so good, check in here for some chat and support.

After work I'll be helping the kids to carve their pumpkins (the help I give seems to be to do it all!), and hopefully relax in the front of the fire with a good film.

My food plan is:

B - canteen breakfast of bacon (I skip the roll) followed by a fruit scone made by our cook. She's a great baker! 394 cals

L - not sure, I'll pick something up from work. 350-400 cals

D - JO creamy mustard chicken, mashed sweet potato, broccoli, then a little chocolate molten cake (BBC Good Food recipe) with raspberries and some creme fraiche, 900

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55 Replies

doh! That's what happens when I cook and post at the same time!

B. Probably 4 Weetabix with a new addition of coconut milk......sounds horrid.

L. I say L but up north we call it Dinner and could not put D for fear of confusion ;) but anyway I might have Cumberland sausage with sauerkraut and oven baked parsnip slices.

D. I say D but up north we call it Tea so as above ;) Turkey slices with boiled beetroot in a stottie ( flatbread ) and maybe coleslaw as a dip.

S. S is for supper I thought I would add this as I like the letter S :) I always go wandering into the kitchen like a moth does to a light so have seeds and nuts scattered about the benches so I don't scoff the kids chocolate, pumpkin seeds are running amock at the moment so I have toasted them earlier and will nibble on them while I'm waiting for my bed to shout my name.

rutheliza profile image
rutheliza in reply to

hi, Marley. I'm from up north but I say lunch and tea. Not sure where I get that from. My hubby is a southener so perhaps he has influenced me. Cumberland sausage sounds good

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to rutheliza

I also say lunch and tea rutheliza unless it’s a proper evening out then it’s ‘dinner’

Funny really, because we often eat a main meal at lunchtime 😊

in reply to rutheliza

I am from west Yorkshire but have lived in London for 45 years and I still call it dinner and tea supper is a drink and biscuit before bed.

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to

Loving your dinner and tea, or lunch and dinner as it would be to me, unless it is a hot lunch, in which case it would be dinner, and a cold dinner which would be tea!!!

Anyway, it all sounds delicious, I think sauerkraut might go on the shopping list this week.

in reply to

My husband is from Stoke On Trent so we have different meals depending on who's talking about them!

Toasted pumpkin seeds - yum :-D

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Hello and welcome to the Daily Diary and Weight Loss Forum Hidden

Calorie counting can be fiddly when you first start but is really useful for weight loss Marley 😊.

I'd like to invite you to join our Newbie Club, which we hope will be a good place for you to connect with members, who are also just starting out. If you just post a few words to introduce yourself and respond to others there, you'll soon break the ice. Here's the link


You'll find all the information you need to navigate the forum in the header and a link to the 12 week plan, so please take the time to read it carefully.

Wishing you all the best


ChoosingLife profile image
ChoosingLife in reply to

I like your post! Being a northerner who is living in the south I always hesitate. Although I think i tend to say lunch and tea. But today we are having roast at lunch time so that's dinner ! (to me!)

Have fun on your seed trail!

rutheliza profile image

Hi, diamondblock. Thanks for hosting and thanks for reminding me about the clocks. I'm in Munich airport trying to pass the time waiting for a connecting flight home. I'm looking forward to getting back to normal, although dreading going back to work on Monday, back to too much stress and busyness. My next weigh in is Tuesday and I'm not looking forward to the scales showing up how much I've slipped on holiday. Tomorrow I'll be tired, so hoping a plan will help me get back on the wagon

B- porridge with seeds 350

L- scrambled eggs 200

D- beef and veg casserole with cauliflower rice 400

apple crumble and custard 400

tea and coffee 150

snacks - fruit 200, and lots of water

target of 1700

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to rutheliza

Hope the holiday was good, your menu sounds delightfully comforting.

in reply to rutheliza

Love beef casserole, hope it hits the spot. Good luck for a smooth return to work xx

rutheliza profile image
rutheliza in reply to

thank you

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to rutheliza

Hope you enjoyed Munich rutheliza 😊 I’ve never been although Hubby really liked it when hw went

Salcheq profile image

Good evening all and thanks to diamondblock for hosting. I have finally adjusted my sails today, with some help from Cracker10 and an imaginery spy camera! Anyway, result was that I have eaten exactly to plan for the first day in weeks! Yippee!

Creamy mustard chicken sounds amazing, have you posted a recipe?

Simple day for me tomorrow, been a strange weekend, after a week off work, away in Cornwall for a few days, then home and an ill husband so not eating proper meals for a few days, now son away at cub camp and daughter exhausted after a sleepover with friends.

B - banana, mango, pineapple and cashew smoothie. 200 cals

L - out with daughter shopping, so we'll got to a cafe somewhere - 700 cals

D - spicy chicken fajhita wrap, with yellow peppers, lettuce, sour cream and corn on the cob on the side - 500 cals.

Total - 1400 cals.

Exercise - shopping with daughter. I'd like to start running again but realistically that may not happen until Monday. I've been a bit ill recently and lost all my fitness but looking forward to starting again very slowly.

in reply to Salcheq

Can I ask how you know what cals everything has ?

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to

My meals are an approximation based on a lot of work I did initially when I started calorie counting. So, for my smoothie, I worked out the calories of everything going in - either from the packaging or from the NHS calorie checker online and the divided it by portions. My dinner I've done regularly, and I keep a note of all previous meals so I can refer. I know that a wrap, plus all the ingredients add up to 450, but I like a bit extra cheese and sour cream, so I've allowed 500. Lunch, I have no idea what I'll have yet, so I'll work it out once I've chosen something, and then adjust dinner if necessary up or down. Obviously I can't go crazy and have burger and chips, but 700 should allow me something like a good filled croissant or sandwich, or jacket potato.

Early on when I started this I made a note of all the calories in everything by portion size, and gradually I've learnt to remember them, but do still weigh things quite a bit, and check packaging and the NHS calculator quite a bit.

in reply to

My Fitness Pal app.

in reply to

Ill look into the fitness pal app, thank you diamondback

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Couple of things to watch with MFP Hidden

The nutritional information is added by other members so double check the values

And their suggested daily intake is often quite low as you are supposed to add in any exercise and ‘earn’ more calories.

I prefer to use the NHS Target (see the link in the Newbie Club post I gave you)

Just shout if you have any questions


in reply to Salcheq

The recipe is in the Jamie Oliver 5 ingredients book, I'll post it tomorrow with a photo.

I have a post-sleepover exhausted daughter too!

I hope your husband is on the mend.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Salcheq

Well done getting back on track Salcheq 😊

ChoosingLife profile image

Mmm thanks for hosting Hidden and sharing such a lovely recipe for your evening meal. I'm trying to get back on track from a min break in a motorhome with lovely evenings sat with snacks, TV and some cutting and sticking (house renovation ideas from magazines) so I ate lots of popcorn, revels and honey peanuts. Oh dear I'm dragging the scales tomorrow ì think it will be my first gain in 9 weeks. So today I hope to eat well:

Breakfast: crumpets followed by yoghurt

Lunch: roast chicken and lots if vegetables

Supper: salad and carrot and coriander soup

I hope to get some exercise moving furniture around and reorganising the house ready for big refurb starting tomorrow. But tv abs a film sounds a nice idea if i have a break!

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to ChoosingLife

Good luck getting back on track ChoosingLife especially with house renovation! At least glueing and sticking is calorie free 😊

in reply to ChoosingLife

Exciting to be renovating! Enjoy the roast :-D

Villageduckpond profile image

Good morning Hidden and thank you for hosting :)

Sadly, I didn't benefit from the extra hour so am up and about at the usual hour. For those who don't live in the UK....we put our clocks back one hour last night!

It is still dark but I can hear the birds singing so hopefully that is the sign for a good day ahead.

Right .....DD for today

B - bacon and beans, two coffees

L - leek and potato soup, green salad (already picked/pulled and washed!) with carrot and cucumber, yoghurt

S - pan fried chicken breast, green veggie and potato, possibly reheated sponge pudding (as it didn't seem quite cooked when I had it last night) with a dollop of cream

Snacks - clementines (first ones this year) and banana

Water - as much a possible

Exercise - depends whether I have the energy to go for a walk or work in the garden.

PS I had my first ever nightmare in a foreign language last night - very weird!

Have a good day everyone .....whatever you are doing.....

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Villageduckpond

Good menu as ever VDP 😊

I was also up early but luckily went back to sleep!

Dreaming in a language? That is unusual 😂

Villageduckpond profile image
Villageduckpond in reply to IndigoBlue61

Lucky you IndigoBlue61 going back to sleep and pleased for you.

The nightmare involved my driving a car I didn't know as well and you can guess what language I was dreaming in!

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Villageduckpond

Italian?? Isn’t that all hand gestures? Lol 😂

Villageduckpond profile image
Villageduckpond in reply to IndigoBlue61


IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Villageduckpond

Oh I’m intrigued?😊

Active_43 profile image

What a great menu Hidden , even planning around work.

We have a couple of pumpkins to work on here too, think we need to look up some pumpkin recipes. Btw the superfood lasagna from yesterday was gorgeous!

My extra hour will be spent ironing!

Sunday's food:

B. Almond pancakes with cherries and banana

L. Roast aubergine with feta

D. Moroccan chicken tagine and apple cake

Haven't done the calcs yet.

Exercise. Lots more chores, up and down stairs and flat pack building. Can you believe I had to go to IKEA a third time in a week last night for a missing part!!

Happy Sunday folks

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Active_43

You must really know the drive to Ikea by now Active_43 😊

The superfood lasagne sounds goo, I’ll go and have a look for it.

Great menu as ever, have a good Sunday 😊

ChoosingLife profile image
ChoosingLife in reply to Active_43

I will be treading a regular path there once work is done on the house - see how i made it sound like exercise!! Glad you got all the parts in the end.

Villageduckpond profile image
Villageduckpond in reply to Active_43

Oh no ...... Active....have you now got a personalised parking space by any chance?

in reply to Active_43

Lovely menu, especially lunch and dinner. Enjoy!

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Good morning Hidden and thank you for hosting, I’m glad you had the extra hour in bed before your early start. I love your image too, very philosophical 😊

Yesterday went slightly off plan as I was very hungry after my walk, so we had pulled pork for dinner and a pudding! Eeek 😊

So today is a banana first thing

Smoked haddock and egg for brunch

Pulled pork with potatoe wedges and vegetables for dinner.

Exercise is a gentle indoor cycle and some yoga to loosen up my aching joints after yesterday.

My tip for the day is pinched from Facebook but I like it

“Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful” 😊

Onward and downwards


Villageduckpond profile image
Villageduckpond in reply to IndigoBlue61

Well done on your walk despite the aching joints. At the other end of the scale I felt very tired and just flopped in front of the tv and watched Sense and Sensiblity (for hours in the afternoon)!

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Villageduckpond

That’s my least favourite Jane Austen 😕 but good to flop and watch an old favourite 😊

Villageduckpond profile image
Villageduckpond in reply to IndigoBlue61

I saw Lucy Worsley's show (free ticket) on Jane Austen recently and it was quite an eye-opener about the life she led.

in reply to IndigoBlue61

Oh I love the sound of your menu Anna, I haven't made pulled pork in absolutely ages.

Sailsalot profile image

Thanks for hosting Hidden , love the sailing analogy, so true. Today is day 2 of hubby's birthday celebrations, had a lovely day yesterday, was fairly sensible but more cals than maintenance. Today:

B: Huevas rancheros, 2 eggs, tomatoes onion, 1/2 tin butter beans chilli garlic herbs tomato puree. 380 approx

L: Wholemeal wrap with blue cheese and salad 360

D: Hubby's favourite venison stew with red wine and recurrant jelly. Lots of veg. 600 approx

Greek yoghurt with cherries 200

Either a long beach walk or trip out sailing if weather suitable.

Wishing everyone a good Sunday

Villageduckpond profile image
Villageduckpond in reply to Sailsalot

It all sounds good to me and I mean the menu and the possible activities :)

in reply to Sailsalot

Sounds lovely, hope you had the weather for sailing, and happy birthday to your husband :-D

ShadowDee profile image

Thank s for hosting Hidden

Breakfast- my usual oatmeal w/coconut milk toast and coffee

Lunch - jacket potato w/tuna salad on the side

Dinner - steamed vegetables and potatoes baked chicken

Sorry for a late reply race had me sore and tired. Update on my blog.

in reply to ShadowDee

Sounds like a great post-race menu :-D

lomarstar profile image

Just about to pop out for a 20min run and then meals for the day will be:

B: Granola and yoghurt with coffee (this is kinda my standard breakfast!!)

L: Duck with roast veg

D: Not sure - but have some left over spicy chicken soup so probably that

tidirhin2548 profile image
tidirhin25486kgRestart April 2024 in reply to lomarstar

Have a nice day and enjoy the run :)

in reply to lomarstar

Lovely - hope you enjoyed your run.

tidirhin2548 profile image
tidirhin25486kgRestart April 2024

Thanks for hosting Hidden :)

I really loved to sleep longer :)

B. a huge baked sweet potato, coffee with oat milk -400 Had that already.

L. lentil stew, spinach -450

T. lentil stew, potato -550

Munchies - a large apple, tea, water :D 130


-10 minutes of dumbbells exercises for arms. Done

-a walk/run in the evening.

in reply to tidirhin2548

Yum, love lentils. And spinach, and sweet potato!

Good morning Diamond block hope you have a good day. Also everyone else on the forum . Today I on my way to Windsor for the day . Breakfast was scrambled egg on seeded bread. With a coffee 350 cals. Lunch at the pub probably a jacket potato with beans and a salad. Water to drink. 550cal In the evening small piece of Quiche with side salad. 350 cal lunch cals . I may have a scone with a coffee in the afternoon 250 cals total is 1500 cals. We will be having a nice walk around Windsor.

in reply to

Lovely. Windsor is a great place to spend some time, hope you're having a good day :-D

Villageduckpond profile image

Sounds like a lovely day out......the weather here is good and I hope it is for you too :)

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

Thank you for hosting today Hidden

Great to see so many varied menus.. The responses are now turned off, so Thank you for joining in.

Cheering us all on to reach our goals 🎉🎉🎉

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