It takes at least 40 days to ingrain a new habit so if you stick to your new eating habits and activity increase for that time it will become second nature. You won’t find so much temptation in unhealthy food because you will subconsciously asking yourself whether it is going to improve your health or drag you down. Your body will feel the lack of exercise if you do not go for that regular walk and you will feel agitated until you go out. I have been adopting this new lifestyle for over 90days and for the most part with no difficulty. Yesterday was the first day when I felt slightly tempted when at the supermarket but then I reminded myself how nice is was to see a slim me reflected in the shop window and a slim shadow in the sun on the golf course and the temptation soon passedBest wishes to all and thanks for your support
PS this is a leopard I saw in Botswana earlier this year