did plan to have soup, but got home and too tired, just shared a pizza with my son, no one to blame but my own lack of will power. tomorrow is the last day before Wednesday, and I have 2 meals eating out! my plan is to have fruit for breakie, little or no carbohydrate for lunch and dinner
1772 kcal today, have to really cut do... - Weight Loss Support
1772 kcal today, have to really cut down tomorrow

It makes sense to make some sort of preparation for eating out days. Good luck with it all.
Just out of interest, what is your NHS BMI calorie range?
Hi Tiggerr, do you mean my BMI or calories allowance? I used to go by NHS 1400 kcal daily, it did work for the first two 12 weeks. I'm within the healthy range of BMI, but definitely on the heavier side. About why I want to lose more weight, I explained in details in my previous posts.
I'm glad that you're in the healthy range, huge congratulations.
The 1400 cals mentioned by the NHS is a generic value for women. I was wondering about the range that the NHS BMI calculator provides that is specifically tailored for each individual that runs it.
if I want to lose weight, my daily allowance my based on currant bmi is about 1325. For maintenance, I can have more than 1400kcal (can't remember the exact figure). I set my daily target as 1330, coz it's easier to remember. I tried 1200 kcal (myfitnesspal calculation based on target and currant bmi), but didn't work, very hard for me to stick to 1200 kcal, 1330 kcal is more achievable for me.

Why don't you log onto the Daily Diary, Jane, instead of going it alone. You'll get heaps of ideas and support there
I wouldn't beat yourself up about it happyhealthyjane and just draw a line under it.
Good luck with your plan, you will be fine
Good morning all - Well after my weigh in yesterday when I lost 2lbs last week I lost the plot relaxed and seemed to nibble all day and evening Bad bad bad now today Im feeling I want to not eat but I know by later I will be starving Just by typing this Im focusing again I will hard boil some eggs grate carrots and apples chop tomatoes anything healthy Ive got will be put on display reminding me ! Honestly without you all I would give in and undo the last weeks Thank you for being here