I feel disgusted : I really badly want... - Weight Loss Support

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I feel disgusted

Pamster900 profile image
5 Replies

I really badly want to lose weight, I find it so hard to cut bad foods out. I have done so many crash diets but they July work for a short space of time. I have an under active thryroid so it makes it a lot harder for me

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Pamster900 profile image
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5 Replies
YellowRose55 profile image

Hi Pamster900

Welcome to the weight loss forum.

It is hard to start with but if you stick with the healthy eating you will get there!

Take a look at the Welcome Newbie post in the Pinned post section at the right hand side or at the bottom if your on a mobile. Have a look at the nhs 12 week plan, many members have had success following this plan. Use the BMI checker to work out your daily calorie allowance.

Have a look at the Daily Diary which you can find on the Home page in Events. It is where all the members are sharing their daily plans on what they are eating and any exercise they are doing. This thread will give you some ideas on how to start.

Below the Pinned posts are the Topics where members share a range of weight related subjects.

Take your measurements at the start together with a photo so you can see the changes on the days the scales don't move.

We have daily weigh ins so why not come along and join us today. You can find the weigh ins on the Home page in the Events section on the right. Just click on the post in Events and record your start weight and any loss/gain or maintain for the week.

To get the most of the forum be active, share tips, recipes and experiences. Read some of the posts they are very motivating.

Have a good first week.


Pineapple27 profile image

Hi and welcome.

I have been on my weight loss journey for over 5 years now, and over that time I have completely changed my attitude towards food and losing weight - which is why (at the ripe old age of 54) I have managed to succeed this time, whereas so many times before have ended in failure.

There are many people who will have additional "barriers" which make losing weight more difficult. It may be that they are on a limited budget, don't enjoy cooking, take medication which increases their appetite, don't have a lot of time because of family commitment, etc. And of course then there are those (like myself!) who are short or who find it difficult or impossible to exercise.

However, these are all BARRIERS to be overcome rather than things which make weight loss impossible. Weight loss can only be achieved by eating less calories than you burn off. I quickly realised very soon on my weight loss journey by weighing my food and logging every single thing that I ate and drank that the calories I consumed were far too many for my short stature, by age (sadly need for calories decreases as you age) and the fact that I am sedentary because of disability.

This all means that I have had to work harder at losing the weight. I have had to concentrate on the food I consume as I cannot increase my activity level.

On the positive side, I do love cooking and have tried out lots of new recipes to save on calories. This has never changed throughout the five years of my weight loss journey.

Also, crash diets and faddy diets do not work. They cannot work, as they deprive you... you start to feel resentful and that you're missing out, and then you go berserk and eat everything and anything in sight!

This time for me, I've accepted that this is a lifestyle change. I have cut out alcohol (waste of calories as I only get 1300 calories a day to maintain my weight). I do not eat out as often as I once did - it's a rare treat now to eat a meal out rather than a regular weekly occurrence.

I have started to concentrate on QUALITY and not QUANTITY - by carefully considering what I choose to put into my mouth, I can ensure that I feel fuller for longer on less food.

But also..... don't try making too many changes all at once - change one thing at a time and wait until it's truly embedded in your every day life. It might be ensuring that you eat more fruit and veg, it might be cutting down on snacks or alcohol. Whatever it is has to become "normal".

No food is banned for me. Tonight I've enjoyed a lovely apple tarte tatin (caramalised apple tart) with a bi dollop of creme fraiche. That was after a roast donner of pork loin, cabbage and leeks, carrot and swede, roasted potatoes and parsnips and gravy with apple sauce.

That lot was 883 calories! But apart from that, the only other food I've eaten today was a fried egg in a folded flatbread (no butter) and 100g of Greek yogurt and 100g of tinned mango (364 calories). I've also had lots of white teas and coffees and water.

So over my weight loss calories today by about 400, but that's usual for the weekend. I claw them back during the week.

Hope this helps. It can be done. It won't be easy. It is worth it.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Pineapple27

Nice response and nice evening meal too.

Tiggerr profile image

Hi Pamster900, you'll be glad to find no one here advocating a 'crash diet'. Most people here are interested in making changes in their lifestyle, that whilst allowing them to lose weight in a steady sensible fashion, will also leave them with a way of life that they can maintain, once they've reached their goal.

Have a look at everything that Rose has already posted and that will start you on your way.

Feel free to post at anytime, whether it's a question, a thought, a feeling, there will always be someone here to respond to you.

Good luck!

sazmy93 profile image

Make peace with the weight you are. It may be one you wish to change but feeling disgusted by it only feeds in to the vicious cycle that makes you find comfort in bad foods. I've been where you are and I feel that making my weight and ways to lose weight less emotional really helped me start on a positive way forward. I tracked my calories for a few days before I started cutting them down to show how much I was overeating, and I only weigh in kgs because I can't easily translate them into stones and lbs, so I don't feel ashamed when I look at the number on the scale. Chatting to people on this forum is also helpful, it's impossible to feel ashamed about your weight when everyone is going through the same thing, and are so welcoming too.

Good luck, and stay strong! You deserve to be as happy as everyone else xx

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