Not one bit of chocolate was bought 😊 - Weight Loss Support

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Not one bit of chocolate was bought 😊

mrsdavis86 profile image
mrsdavis862st 7lbs
β€’10 Replies

Just back from the weekly shop and my will power and motivation has never been so on point 😊 not a single bit of chocolate bought. All lunches planned for the week, fruit bursting out the bowl, fridge full of greens. Let's do this πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ’–

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mrsdavis86 profile image
2st 7lbs
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10 Replies
YellowRose55 profile image

Hi mrsdavis86

Brilliant going, you can do this. Planning your week is the key to good weight loss, keep up the good work.

Have a great week.


That's fantastic, you can do this πŸ†πŸ’ͺ xx

Tiggerr profile image

:) :) :)

Kath---- profile image

I am inspired by your positivity

Millie09 profile image

Well I am new to this sight, I have been reading a lot of everyone's posts. I really don't know if I need to loose weight or tone up. I have a chronic illness now 9yrs and now waiting for hospital tests for parasthesia. I lost over a stone last year on the juice plus eating plan, I must say it did work and I felt great. But I let it go to the extent to where I was borderline underweight so I stopped the gluten free diet. I do eat a good health diet. I'm 5ft 4 and 8st downfall is evening , I can easily get through a 200g bar of chocolate every single night. I have tried to cut down but nope! And if I tell myself not to buy any I get anxiety ? Really don't know what to do πŸ˜’

mrsdavis86 profile image
mrsdavis862st 7lbs in reply to Millie09

It's a really good forum, everyone is so friendly and supportive so welcome 😊 hope those hospital tests come through soon for you. Nothing worse than waiting. Congratulations on losing the stone. Don't deprive yourself of what you want, that's when I binge most if I tell myself I can never have anything. I saw someone respond to a post saying if you want chocolate/cakes whichever, eat it but think about why you're eating it, what's the reason? Is it boredom, is it emotions, being able to identify the reason could help cutting down the 200g to 20g. I found buying packs of Freddo's helped a lot. Less chocolate to eat but still got a little fix for when I craved it. The only thing I won't allow myself to buy is doughnuts, they're my weakness. If you feel you need any support though, post it to the forum, connect with people in the groups, they're truly an amazing bunch πŸ’–πŸ˜Š

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to mrsdavis86

Thank you, yes it really does look a great forum with lovely supportive people on the same journey, thank you ! I did loose the stone but I have put it back on again, yes I am the right weight for my height now where I was nearly under weight at 7 stone 4 lb .I am hoping that My results on my blood tests are not as bad as I think. I have pins and needles in my left hand and fingers which is made worse by holding items for too long, even best from a mug can set it off .I can go all day without chocolate but once evening comes that's it. I tell myself to have only a small piece but that leads to all of it gone in an hour. Sugar is bad , I don't drink alcohol and I don't stopped smoking 2 yrs ago

This addiction has only been since I moved last September. I love the new home I live alone and my 3 children are all married now. I think it's is maybe now become a habit. Thank you for your advice 😊. I will sit down and go over reasons why? The only big part of me is my stomach πŸ˜’.if I could get that flat as I did 12months ago I would be happy. Thank you for your kind welcome and I will be on here most days. ☺.

Dave1961 profile image

That is SO awesome I love it!

planning is so important to what we arte tryiong to achieve and you have planned to perfection.

I had my own battle of wills last night at the supermarket and while I DID walk away with a treat it was a tiny chocolate and not the block I originally had in my hand.

Feels good doesn't it when your willpower steps in instead of sitting on the sidelines munching away on a burger!

Well done :)

mrsdavis86 profile image
mrsdavis862st 7lbs in reply to Dave1961

Well done to you too for swapping the chocolate. I'm not going to stop eating it completely but question 'do I need it' rather than just eating out of boredom which is my biggest downfall 😊

HubbysMissMouse profile image

Well done with doing this. It is great. I am so pleased that you have managed to plan everything out and stick with it too, this makes you a great inspiration. Brilliant! πŸ‘βœ…πŸ˜˜πŸ›β€

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