It has taken the loss of 10k to reduce my waistline by one inch. My target is a 30 inch waist, currently 39 inches = loss of 90k required. Current weight 82k.
Mathmatical problem: It has taken the... - Weight Loss Support
Mathmatical problem

A 10 inch loss seems really extreme goal. Especially as it's 25% of your whole body size. But I am certainly no expert and not doing great here. So definitely want to say well done for the first inch. Maybe it doesn't seem much but 10k is massive weight loss. You're doing something right!
Your body burns fat in layers, so you will lose fat from all over your body equally you won't lose more in the parts that have the most fat quicker.
You can't pinpoint one area to lose fat in. If you only have fat on your belly and nowhere else then you can only lose it there. Do you understand?
You are doing well, just keep going, I didn't understand your maths bit at all tho, sorry.
You will disappear and create a tear in the universe if you lose that much weight (I've been watching too much Doctor Who I think).
For me the weight doesn't always come off evenly or where I want it to either and I still have a big bum (which the youngsters in my family tell me is quite enviable these days and people pay to have bum implants - amazing eh) so I can't complain.
Great maths though! x
somewhere, in a parallel universe is a planet made of unwanted bums and tums. When I find the location, I'm sending my muffin top there.
The big bum is maybe to do with your genes.
Hi Applebelly, I'm just coming up to my 66th birthday. My weight has been 11st ish for the last 12 months, ideally I look and feel good at 10st 4lb for my height, so not too far off. I like to do measurements rather than scales because I can see and feel how my clothes are looking/feeling. I had a very nasty shock this morning my waist has gone up by 2 inches since the start of the new year, I feel my favourite Sunday trousers are feeling a bit snug!! Do you think its something to do wih age eg. natural thickening of the waist? I go swimming at least twice a week in the mornings with an aquafit class and am generally quite active or is it just winter.
I'm afraid the waist does thicken with age. The last time I was slim was over 40 years ago when I had a 26 inch waist. I think I would look a Shar pei if I got that thin now. Sounds like you are doing the right thing with the exercise and are only a little over your target weight. Have you thought of buying one of those shaper under garments to wear on special occasions?
As we age I'm afraid our basic metabolism reduces (BMR) so to avoid gaining weight we have to eat less or move more ( ideally some of both) .
Our BMR is the very least calories the body needs just to be alive, staying in bed all day! Our TDEE is the amount the body needs to lead normal life with a little activity. Use the online TDEE calculator to see what your body needs for your age to not gain weight. The calorie needs vary on age and whether we're sedentary or quite active
For example, I am age 64, 5ft 5in . Let's assume Im fairly sedentary. My TDEE shows that I can only consume 1401 calories without gaining weight. If I was age 54 I'd be allowed 1460 cals ..ha...not a big difference you'd think, but if I carried on being sedentary and having those 60 extra cals every day for ten years, I'd see quite an unwanted gain!
For most of us, getting more active enables us to eat a bit more and the TDEE calculator will show a higher calorie allowance for more active people.
I was 12st, got down to 10st in 2015 and since then have been maintaining at 9st 8 to 9st 12.
I walk quite a bit so I can eat a bit more, but I still have to keep within 1500 cals to maintain.
Yet another "joy" of getting older I'm afraid!!