Bad attack of Bready-itis..... - Weight Loss Support

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Bad attack of Bready-itis.....

Pineapple27 profile image
12 Replies


I've not eaten bread for over 14 weeks, as I'm following the 8 week Blood Sugar Diet (no bread, flour products, pasta, rice, potatoes).

Back from Brussels (stayed one night) where I had an awful attack of.... Breadyitis!

Not sure what brought it on.... but as we were stuck in the EU Parliament Building from 2pm - 8pm and hadn't eaten since 11am, we were forced to eat a sandwich (between us). Really nothing else that would have kept us going - I had half a sandwich, fruit salad and a nutty cereal bar! That was just about the best choice available.

But it didn't stop there! That evening with dinner we were served some bread rolls whilst we waited for food (by now, 9pm). They were like miniature baguettes, warm and served with a pat of unsalted butter. I just couldn't help myself! I ate about 3 or 4 of the damn things! This was the first bread I have eaten in...... over 14 weeks (over 3 months). The way I was stuffing it in :o

It didn't stop there either! The following morning at breakfast, despite having plenty of healthy options (smoked salmon, lovely scrambled egg, yogurt, fruit, etc) I started on the bread AGAIN! With cheese.... and then jam!

I'm really not at all sure what happened. Let's just blame it on the Belgian bread being very appealling and me being totally OTT starving hungry and... one thing lead to another.

The good news is that this didn't seem to lead to any serious side effects. Apart from Thursday night when I weighed on our return, I weighed an astonishing 5lbs more than when we left only 40 hours before! Of course, that is absolutely absurd... Thankfully the following morning 3 of those 5lbs had vanished.... and at weigh in today, only 0.6lb heavier (phew). Scary stuff!

Straight back to BSD yesterday after my momentary lapse...

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Pineapple27 profile image
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12 Replies
EllaMidlands profile image

I know you can get straight back into it. The diet you are on seems really similar to my paleo diet. Probably because you had a bit it made you want more. It helps me to not eat the stuff at all.

Pineapple27 profile image

The worrying thing is that I am usually sooooo controlled around food - this way of eating suits me as I think of certain foods as being "forbidden" and can usually stick to that principle. I've been doing this weight loss thing for so long now (5 years).

But we sometimes have to have this minor slips to learn from them. I was mortified! :) Back on the straight and narrow now.

jopo profile image

Had to smile at your confession Pineapple27

I was a breadaholic (I'm not joking) but been 'dry' since first of January.

Glad you've regrouped and back to your plan. So easy to have stepped on the slippery slope. Great post, warm white baguette = Devils food :) xx

Claz profile image

I love bread.... it is my 'nemesis'... it's so hard to resist cos it's so nice.. well done for being able to stop and get back on the BSD again and not do too much damage !

hjskev profile image
hjskevMaintainer2 stone

I've also been doing the BSD and have only eaten one slice of bread since 1st November. My husband bakes all our bread and the smell of it baking is a killer:(( That one slice of bread was toast. I managed to keep it to just the one slice though :)) Don't beat yourself up. Just get back on it.

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to hjskev

Yes, we have a bread maker too. The smell of toast is a killer!

Marylou54 profile image

I'm Marylou54 and I'm a bread addict ...... well, pleased I got that off my chest!! If it's the one food I find really really difficult to avoid it's bread. Part of my overall problem is that I am often rushing to get food or I'm just too tired to think about what I am eating. I know I know that I should have it all planned out and portions prepared and frozen etc etc etc ..... but life gets in the way and I don't. What is useful is that just admitting to this is actually making me stop and think about how I go about things and indeed my whole approach to eating. Basically I have never been interested in food per se and seen it as a means to an end - staying alive!! Except for the bread, nothing bothers me very much if I miss it or have it. I don't drink alcohol for the same reason - doesn't do anything for me. Weird or what? Therefore being overweight at this stage of life is very frustrating and I feel I should know better. Shall go off and contemplate my navel ( :) ) for a while and see what other revelations I come up with ..... Hope everyone's Sunday is going well.

jopo profile image
jopo in reply to Marylou54

You must be my twin Marylou54

I'm happy to have a glass of bubbly but would not miss it if I didn't have till Christmas.

But bread oh Lordy Lord, I would walk through hot coals, swim the channel and climb a mountain for toast.

So now I have discovered if I don't eat it I don't get the same abnormally strong cravings for it or indeed any simple carbs including chocolate, biscuits, cake etc.

I marvel at anyone who can just have one jaffa cake. Maybe it's simply that they have a more efficient internal system.

I have never ever taken mood altering drugs but can image how easily it would be to get hooked. Personally - and this may be controversial - white bread should come with a health warning - This is not meant to offend any white bread lovers/eaters, just what it does to me. :)

Perhaps I was a cave woman in a former life 😁😁😁😁😁

Marylou54 profile image
Marylou54 in reply to jopo

I'm so happy to hear I'm not the only one!!! Thank you jopo for making my day! :) I feel the same about the mood altering drugs and for the same reason I'm very pleased I have never smoked - would never have been able to give it up methinks! You only have to put a fresh roll or piece of crusty white bread (preferably with butter!) in front of me and I'm anyone's! (OOOH that didn't sound right but I'm sure you understand!)

So all I can say right now to a fellow cavewoman is - UGG! :)

Pineapple27 profile image

But.... like a drug or like smoking, I do believe that the only way to get rid of the craving (for me) is to eliminate it completely :-( Bread (even wholemeal bread) really has nothing of nutritional value in it.

Bread is a "Complex" carb. Eating it causes a spike in insulin (which is why it's so appealing - it makes us feel happy!) but an hour later, you'll experience a drop in levels and that's when you snack.

One of the purposes of the Blood Sugar Diet is to try and eliminate the snacking, as otherwise you end up with too much blood sugar (leading to diabetes).

You may find the following helpful:

"In general, you want to avoid or minimize your intake of sweetened beverages and foods that are highly processed and high in carbohydrates and unhealthy fat, and low in healthy nutrients.

For example, a brownie may have as many carbohydrates as a banana, but the fruit also has potassium and vitamins your body needs. Brownies don’t have those benefits."

and this link:

Believe me, I have been losing weight for over 5 years, and this way is the way that has provided the best results for me. I am feeling more energetic, have less pain, sleeping better, my skin is looking better....

Yes, bread is amazing.... but not as amazing as being 4 stone lighter for me and for my health! :D :D :D

joanie-o profile image
joanie-o1 stone

Ha ha, there must be something in the air, may be the end of January in sight. I also disgraced my self with bread, the end of a still warm loaf yesterday and two slices of toast for breakfast this morning. Woops! Looks like we are not alone in our addiction. x

Pineapple27 profile image

Complex carbs are the ones to be weary of.... which include:

white grain products such as pasta and rice


white bread

cold processed cereals

sugared drinks

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