I have read about this a few times before but have never actually tried it, has anyone ever given it a go?
Use your hands to measure food portions. - Weight Loss Support
Use your hands to measure food portions.
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To answer your question, I do try to use a similar trick, although I also weigh food as well. Portion control is so important but I am getting better at judging . Thank you for sharing the link ☺
Best wishes
Thank you Anna
It looks good on here I have so far enjoyed reading the comments and advice people have given on here. I'm not that much overweight, just a pound or two but I find this all very interesting.
I weigh stuff or use measuring cups once I know what a portion equates to. My concern with this method would be, my hands are like shovels - LOL! They are bigger than my husband's hands but he's the same height as me, so I'd always be worried I was measuring too much out. It took me a few weeks of various meals to set up, but I saved regularly consumed meals within a document so I open the appropriate document and kind of follow it like a recipe so I know I'm measuring things right every time I cook the same family meal. I'd say, if you try the hand method out and it works for you, stick with it, whatever you find the easiest way of assessing things really!
I never thought of that, the size of a persons hands lol Nice one!

Lol it's probably because you are a regular kind of person whereas I'm a bit of a freak of nature - lololol! My older sister is "blessed" with "shovel hands" too, yet my other sister is so petite it's unreal - strange stuff!
Can you not get help with that freak of nature thing lol
You do seem to think outside the box though which is deffo a good thing :O)

lol I think it's all my dad's fault, genetics or something - they had to send out for a larger hip joint when he had his hip replacement op, the surgeon said he'd never seen such large bones. Hey, big boned, not a bad excuse for being overweight! Alas, even I can't get away with that one, the spare tyres are a dead giveaway lol!
Maybe just blame him for the big hands then lol
Spare tyres, I got a little spare tyre more of a muffin top lol hard to shift it tho.

Lol, I think I'm more like a large shareholder in Michelin or something!