Finding a new me in 2017.: Hi everyone... - Weight Loss Support

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Finding a new me in 2017.

debsdelight profile image
16 Replies

Hi everyone. Well I must be the newest newbie, just signed up at 2.55 in the morning of Sunday 7th Jan. Inspired by all your posts and excited that so much help and support is available. However, the technical side of accessing it all is a little daunting, but I won't let that stop me. Many half hearted attempts to lose weight over the years but have got to 'grab it by the horns' this time. In search of a new me. I am 56, married, 2 sons, 1 step daughter, 4 lovely Granddaughters aged 7, 4, 2 & 2. Retired Social worker. Lost 3 close members of my family, brother, dad and special Auntie, who was my substitute mum, all in the last 15 months. 2017 has got to be kinder, I can't take anymore; bring back the sparkle and fun Debbie that I used to be, starting with a better image looking back at me from that mirror!

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16 Replies

Welcome and you wont get many newbie posts welcomes at 430 in the morning but like yourself in my 50s and a light sleeper I found my self picking up my i Pad reading and then finding myself on here ☺

I agree 2017 has to be better, I also lost many special people and dearest of all my mum and now we are in process of clearing house of 50 years of family history dating back to the turn of the 19 th C

I also have 2 sons and a daughter no little uns yet tho.

I started before Christmas and have really got great feelings of leaving my more negative lifestyle behind and managed to get through Christmas into the new year.

Basically following a healthy eating pattern now with a combination of low fats and a few carbs but some healthy protein and lots of veg and fruit and drink plenty of water. I personally don't count calories because I feel over the years I knew what I should be eating and what portion sizes I should be having, its just when I comfort ate - too many empty fatty and sugary foods drank more alcohol and of course didn't exercise it showed 😯. it is about getting that balance right. Your body I feel tells you. Also the occasional treat won't hurt you, it does you good as long as it doesnt become a comfort pattern again !

you find sonething more on here, many new friends that don't mind you asking questions at any time.

I also joined in with a positivity challenge which you can do here or alone with a journal off line and that has helped me guided me into a better mindset

I hope you get what you need to assist your weight loss from reading and chatting to the lovely people on here . I'm still fairly new to this yet as a people person ☺ its been so good for me.

good luck 😀😀

debsdelight profile image
debsdelight in reply to

Hi. Thank you for your positive response to my 'blog'. I am on day 2, trying to keep busy and take my mind off being on a diet. It is so simple, but not easy, though I am doing well so far. Have not had alcohol since 29th December, not that I drank a lot but it was available if I did, and now its not.

So sorry to hear about the loss of your mum and now having to go through all those memories in the family home, must be very mixed emotions for you.

I fully agree with your approach to a healthy eating lifestyle and have been there for most of my life. It changed and became not so healthy as my work began to affect me in a negative way. I have now retired, but it has taken nearly 2 years to be back to 'me', so my family tell me.

I have always been active and have quite a high fitness level so any exercise has to be quite high impact to make a big positive difference to any weight loss. I am conscious of not wanting to build up muscle bulk.

It is all coming back now and I am enjoying being creative with menus for the day. Preferring to have plates of 'rainbow food' and healthy snack foods made into main meals. I am more a fish lover than meat and am happy to reduce my portions, think that was more my problem than what I put on the plate.

It is nice to read through all the support and other people's experiences, however technology and finding my way round the website and all it offers does not come easily. When I have achieved the simplest thing regarding computers and mobile phones I feel a huge sense of satisfaction. Getting a mobile with a camera function was a big step and then upgrading to internet on my mobile. Facebook was the next challenge that I took on and love it, especially when I cannot sleep. All of these I cannot imagine being without and I hope that's is how I will feel about the NHS weight loss programme and the forum followings.

Well done and good luck in 2017.

in reply to debsdelight

Thats lovely to hear x

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns3kgRestart Nov 2023

Hi and welcome Debbie. I'm 45 and have been a member of this lovely forum for half a year. You have come to the right place for friendly support and sound advice.

On a personal level, 2016 was a good year for me. It was the year I learned to run using the NHS Couch to 5k programme and the year I lost 14 kg. Together, these two things mean that I am a happier an healthier person than I have been for most of my adult life. I went from overweight couch potato to being in the middle of my healthy BMI range and running in a club three times a week. I can truly say that my life was turned around. Wonderful.

I lost weight following the NHS 12 week plan and it worked very well for me. It was simple but not easy.

I wish you all the best for 2017. Don't hesitate to ask if there is anything you are unsure about.

debsdelight profile image
debsdelight in reply to PippiRuns

Thank you for your response to my 'blog'. I was a runner, cross country at school then ran for Mid Essex. It has always been a love to get out and be free. I live in the beautiful Stour Valley area of Suffolk, behind the houses opposite me is the Stour (river). If you walk along the river towards Sudbury the path merges on to an old disused railway and you can walk, run, cycle for miles.

For the last few years I am now walking and cycling, giving joints a rest. When I see other joggers I do miss it but not for me now so very envious that you are enjoying running. You have achieved a lot in a short space of time and in your 40's. It is a wonderful feeling to experience something new that gives a new breath of life into routine.

There are very many success stories and I am confident, more so every minute, that I will also be one.

Good luck.

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns3kgRestart Nov 2023 in reply to debsdelight

It sounds like you live in a very beautiful area. I run in the city most of the time. Not very magic :-) Bet walking and cycling in your area is lovely too!

I am sure you will succeed! Keep us posted!

wa2un7 profile image

Welcome to the forum, Debbie. 2016 was certainly rotten for you and things can only get better. If you haven't already done so have a look at the Welcome Newbies post in the pinned section. There's lots of good advice there and you will always find someone to congratulate , console or encourage on here. Good luck.🤗

debsdelight profile image
debsdelight in reply to wa2un7

Thank you for your response I am slowly finding my way round this big site and feeling fully inspired. I was very quickly not the newest newbie as this is proving so popular.

Looking forward to my weigh in Monday morning next week; fingers crossed.

All the best to you for 2017.

Itsbab profile image

Hi Debbie and welcome to this friendly forum.

I think like many of us on here there comes a time when after lots of up heaval and sadness we suddenly and not selfishly start to think about ourselves maybe because we have neglected ourselves by helping our families throughout the years or been feeling down etc.

I decided to do something about my weight May last year and it has taken me this last 6 months to start to feel good about myself again so I am hoping 2017 can begin to be good again.

I too am 56 with 3 children but sadly no grandchildren yet. We can do this as I find the more I loose weight the more confident I am beginning to feel and certainly happier. Life has a way of throwing us curve balls and I am in no doubt there will be many to come but helping ourselves to become and feel physically better helps us to become emotionally better and stronger.

Good Luck we are now from tomorrow doing a weigh in mon-sat so choose what's best for you and if you are someone who needs the reassurance of the scales have Multipul weigh ins whatever keeps you keep on track.😊👍

debsdelight profile image
debsdelight in reply to Itsbab

Suddenly being 56 does not seem so bad and I am feeling inspired that I will be taking on other new challenges and opportunities in 2017.

Thank you for replying to my 'blog'; and I can relate to feeling more confident and happier about things. I think it is about getting rid of emotional baggage ad moving forward, not wasting energy on regrets of the past.

Grandchildren are the best medicine for everything but at 7, 4 and 2 find it hard to understand why nana will not be having sweets and chocolate for them in the house. We have to go out to buy what they want as a treat for them, though I hope to dissuade them and encourage them to eat fruit, which they do like.

They say one is not given more than they can cope with at any one time and I think I was at my limit; now I need a lot of space to recover from stress and re-programme myself, starting with loosing that stone and a few pounds.

Congratulations on your success story.

Itsbab profile image
Itsbab in reply to debsdelight

I have found that the process you go through when emotional upheaval has occurred is shock, anger, emotional upset (crying trying to understand why etc) then finally acceptance of what has happened and a reality that putting it away in the past is best life has to go on in YOUR best interests.

I have found doing the 12 week plan has educated me into having chocolate, biscuits, crisps around but I can now leave them alone. I have a box of chocolates given to me last September still unopened and when I look at them I know I am winning.

It's all about balance I have chocolate I have had a small 130cal bar today but it's in my calorie allowance (Aldi sea salt dark chocolate bar) and now I don't crave any other.

Just think the more weight you loose the more energy you will have to run,play with those lovely grandchildren I am so jealous enjoy them while they are young and you too are young enough to support them.

Best wishes Bev💐

debsdelight profile image
debsdelight in reply to Itsbab

Thank you. Trying to work my way round to register my first weigh in. Can't get passed log in at the moment, waiting for password reset. If it wasn't so dark outside I could go for a nice long walk and come back and start again.

Cat33 profile image
Cat33Restart Dec 2023

Hello Debbie a warm welcome to the forum you have definitely come to the right place to get your old sparkle back

Everyone on here is just lovely and we all share each others joys and sadness

You will get loads of support on here

Have a look at the challenge each day for positivity that Tanja posts it's fantastic If you have been through a rough time In sure you will love it

All the very best 😉

debsdelight profile image
debsdelight in reply to Cat33

Hi, thank you for your response to my newbie 'blog'. I have been overwhelmed by all the support and time that people have given.

I am already blooming with confidence.

It is quite a challenge for me to navigate my way round such a big site to access all the information. Once I retired and had recovered from the stress of the job I have found time to get my head round technology available; mobiles and internet for pleasure.

I will make sure I look at the challenge each day for positivity and make use of all available.

debsdelight profile image

Thank you for your support, very helpful. Hope to look through more on the forum tomorrow. Nice to hear every bodies ways of getting to their goals.


Cat33 profile image
Cat33Restart Dec 2023 in reply to debsdelight

I'm sure you will really enjoy being part of the forum x

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