In keeping with the spirit of Dry January, I picked myself up a carton of James White the other day.
Do You Think It's Beetroot Juice? - Weight Loss Support
Do You Think It's Beetroot Juice?
Was talking smoothies with my daughter to try and boost her veggies. . . Beetroot was mentioned . . . Didn't get any further but watch this space ☺
Have you tried it yet ?
I drink it daily, Mollydex, especially before endurance exercise or HIIT, as means of increasing levels of nitric oxide within the body during exertion, allowing the arteries to relax and blood vessels dilate, for example.
It can be purchased in concentrated shot bottles, but I've found them to provide little to no benefit over that contained in the 1L cartons.
I love beetroot... I got a carton of beetroot juice the other week.. it is ace but I think.I might have drunk a bit too much as I got really bad stomach cramps!! so I think I need to drink it in small doses !
So it tastes good ? I really like beetroot but never tried juice
I like to put raw beetroot in the blender with spinach and whatever fruit I have to hand. It's delicious. I am such a big fan of beetroot!