Can anyone help me get rid of the worst parts! Been trying for at least 6 months now and they won't shift! (Tummy, muffin top, inner thighs)
Wobbly bits😣: Can anyone help me get... - Weight Loss Support
Wobbly bits😣

I will join you in this quest
I am not a great exerciser, but know I will have to do more to work on certain areas and if any one has any tips help I am up to try any of them
Keep me informed if you find anything and I will do like wise
Wishing you all the best

We best get looking then!
Depending upon level of fitness and state of health, HIIT exercise should be considered, as a means of burning calories both during the activity and for hours afterwards, as the body works to re-pay its oxygen debt (research EPOC).
Sadly, you can’t spot reduce, but by seeking to increase the level and intensity of exercise, for example, more calories will be expended from existing body fat, on the assumption that a daily calorie deficit continues to be maintained from recommended maximum.
(Important) HIIT is only something that should ever be performed on 2-3 occasions each week (for no longer than 20 minutes at a time), due to the time needed by the body to re-fuel and recover.
Not only does the activity severely deplete glycogen within the muscles (hence why HIIT cannot be performed on back-to-back days), it raises insulin sensitivity considerably. The resulting increase means that the carbohydrate eaten for up to 48 hours is used to replenish depleted glycogen and less likely to be stored as fat.
I’m sure you’ll have heard about HIIT and how it’s performed, but in case you’ve not or are unsure, it’s essentially a short period of intense activity, followed by an equally short period of rest, repeating the sequence for up to 20 minutes (or for as long as you’re able).
To ensure that HIIT is performed safely, consult the RPE scale (rate of perceived exertion).
As hard intervals are executed, the level of effort should place you at 8-10 on the scale.
For example, if running at 7mph or cycling at level 7 puts you at the higher end, it’s simply a measure of current anaerobic capacity. However, the level and duration that HIIT can be performed will improve as the body grows accustomed.
If HIIT is currently beyond you, seek to incorporate interval training on cardio machines in the gym, whereby activity is performed at a slightly higher intensity for 60-120 seconds, before it’s reduced to the level that you’d usually perform it (for the same period), allowing working heart-rate to recover, repeating the process for up to 30 minutes.
Regardless of whether you opt for HIIT or intervals, it’s important to perform both upon a piece of equipment that you’re comfortable with and enjoy spending time upon.
As for home workouts, by regularly performing a routine that includes exercises such as jumping jacks, on-the-spot jogging, side lateral jumps, power jacks, mountain-climbers and planks, for example, you’ll hopefully go a long way towards improving what that which you’d like.
To further assist with demonstrations of how the exercises should be performed, visit the YouTube channel of Chloe Ting. She’s an Australian based fitness and beauty blogger, with an array of videos geared towards the above, in addition to workouts that target the arms, stomach and derriere. My wife thoroughly enjoys following them.