2017. My only New Years resolution is ... - Weight Loss Support

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2017. My only New Years resolution is to lose weight.

6 Replies

Every year I make too many resolutions and usually fail quite quickly. 2017 is going to be different. I am ONLY going to lose weight. All thoughts of continuing with my OU degree, or looking for a new job are being put to one side. This is too important. I have quite a busy life, hubby works away for up to a fortnight at a time, I have two teenagers, so I'm a taxi driver, and am endlessly working out how to be in two places at once! Plus my job is pretty fullon. So this time, it's about me. We will all eat more healthily, and I will put myself higher up my list of priorities, instead of at the bottom. There. I've said it.

6 Replies
Claz profile image

Good for you :-).. we should all try to put ourselves a bit higher in priority but I know it's easier said than done (I've 3 kids as well so know how hard it is)..

I think when your busy we all need to plan better.. I know if I plan the night before what I'm having the next day then it goes a lot better .. if I don't I stare into the fridge and go 'blah I will get something quick' .. which usually ends up as something unhealthy !

Good luck with your weight loss and hope 2017 us a good one for you x

EllaMidlands profile image

Good luck!!🤞

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello and welcome to the forum 😊 Making your health a priority is an excellent start. Focus on good nutrition and gentle exercise because you and your body deserve it 😊

Have a look at the links, especially the newbies post and ask if you have any questions, we're a friendly bunch 😊

Good luck

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns3kgRestart Nov 2023

Sounds like you are determined to make some changes! Good for you!

Well done you! :)

I wonder if your new years resolution should be worded as "To put myself first" instead of "to lose weight" as putting yourself first encompasses MORE than losing weight.

It can involve having some "me time", some time to de-stress and re-evaluate after a good/bad weight loss week and it can be about saying no to a meal out or social event because you're aiming to lose weight, it can be about going to bed early and not doing the ironing for a change, or asking other people to help you do the chores so you've got less on your plate... etc. :) It also, I think, doesn't put as much pressure on you to 'lose' weight, as often the most important steps are life-style changes, which don't always automatically lead to weight loss but are just as important for your mental and physical health overall.

Of course it's an amazing resolution to have, especially with the determination you seem to have to make it work. It's just that when I had "weight loss" as my resolution, I felt like I wasn't meeting it unless the scales reflected a number, and really it needs to be about more than that number for an overall change :)

in reply to

Thank you Kinbun, you're talking a lot of sense. I'll try to think less in weight terms, but more in all-roundness. (Rubbish grammar but it's been a long day!). Went to visit friends in London, and they bought me some fancy Liz Earle goodies, so they're on board with treating me!

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