how many people on here are just dieting on here and how many are dieting and doing exercise???
just wondering: how many people on here... - Weight Loss Support
just wondering

Hi shogg. I am eating healthily and exercising too. Mostly km on my exercise bike but I swim too. Xx
Hi Shogg, I've counted calories and followed the nhs plan for 7 months, I gradually increased my walking and I do exercise videos sometimes.
Hi shogg , I'm like slimpickings eating healthily and exercising - I'm running 6K three times a week with a bit of strength on the days I run.
Hi - I have a PT session once a week and TRY and go the gym another two times - doesn't always work out that way though! I also TRY and follow a healthy diet but find the food harder to master...
I'm sort of doing both. My back was hurting due to a lack of regular exercise and I put on 1.5 stone due to comfort eating from stress. I'm mainly focusing on HiiT running for the weight loss and am also doing some weight training and yoga to improve my strength (and avoid running injuries). Now I have no stress I don't give in to temptation and am trying to reintroduce healthy food rather than convenience food (so I guess that is a technically a diet as I'm getting fewer calories). When I can follow this plan I lose 2lb per week.
Hi shogg I'm doing the nhs 12 week plan and exercise too mainly walking and exercise bike for the last 6 months.
I try to do both...not always successfully but there you go lol
I can only do a limited amount of exercise, walking and indoor cycling, due to Arthritis so it's mostly reduced calories that account for any weight loss 😊
Interesting post x x
Interesting Post x x
Hi I'm just cutting down and cutting certain foods out, i can't exercise due to health problems, I've managed to lose 3st 9lb since October 2016 it can be done but i must admit i really do have to be strict on calories and which type of calories i eat 😳
I do both but my emhasis is on exercise, although I'm more maintaining than losing these days. Lost 2.5 stone sticking to 1400 cals originally. How about you?

I get alot of lifting done at work but i could try 2do more cardeo
Also exercises that look after/strengthen your back/knees etc might help you get more out of the lifting you already do? It sounds like you can make use of the opportunities you already have to be active/do strength-based work in your job
I do both. Just starting week 6 on 12 week plan & have been walking nearly every day. I've been surprised at how I've adjusted to cutting out certain foods & smaller portions. Also no second helpings!!
Good luck 😄
Both - my exercise (generally) stops me putting on weight - even when my diet stops me losing
I'm doing both, but my exercise is a bit hit and miss at times! I cut down my food first and got comfortable with smaller portions and then gradually added in a bit more strenuous exercise. I've always walked, but I find now that I run too, I'm much faster than I used to be. The running was tough at 12 stone+ but I'm finding it's getting easier in the 11s and that spurs me on to keep going with it.
I can't exercise much due to various health issues but I do try to move as much as possible I think that really helps.
I.m sure any moving would help
I try to look at the healthier option with food but do have treats. But find if I don't have my 30mins exercise a day I tend to feel tired n sluggish. Try and have exercise first thing in the morning. The good thing withdoing both is the skin tones up better , well that's what I have found . Hope that helps 😊