tried a new Jamie Oliver recipe tonight on his superfoods show. Homemade spinach pasta with veg. Not too shabby! managed not to binge so far or get too hungry. Feeling pretty crabby though! Just got to get through this first week!
first day, so far so good!: tried a new... - Weight Loss Support
first day, so far so good!

Hello, glad you've survived your first day, now for the evening, have lots of herbal teas or clear no cal drinks in, always helps.
Plan and plan, always have one, whether it's the NHS 12 week plan, or whatever, others will welcome you later I'm sure!
Hoping you've done a bmr ( basic metabolic rate ) calculator, along with the bmi cakculator or waist/ height thing.
Lots of help and support here, enjoy your week !
That looks delicious. How many calories are you aiming for a day?
Thank you! it was pretty tasty although I would have less parmasan next time. The meal was 500 cals altogether. Just added up my cals and came to 1627. My limit is 1700 according to the BMI calculator. I hadn't realised how quickly the cals add up though! still peckish-think I will have to just sit tight on this one! How about you nteapea? do you have much to loose? well done on loosing your stone.
Thanks I would really like to lose 2 more 😊 I aim for 1430 which is the lower end of my BMI calculation. I agree the calories add up quickly! I mostly use the hairy dieters books as the meals tend to be under 400 calories but are very tasty and the rest of the family will eat most of the recipes. Still trying to sell mushrooms as a good idea
that's funny! my daughter is not keen on them either! I love them. That's a good point I know my husband likes the hairy dieters recipes. I think I'll have to dig my book out! It is hard when you have a family as you want to make sure they get enough nutrition too.
That looks scummy and I've just eaten so not hunger speaking! Good luck with week one - make sure you don't eat too few calories.

Thank you, its hard not to go crazy first week and hardly eat anything but I'm determined to make this sustainable. Any ideas for snacks I can nibble on that aren't too calorific?
These two help me but they're not really nibbles:
1) small glass of veggie/tomato juice spiced up with tabasco and black pepper (small glass) only 35cals and one of your five a day (you can only count one glass as part of 5 a day).
2) sugarfree jelly (raspberry is my preference) with berries (frozen cheapie type from Lidl) and sugar free yogurt - depending on the type of yogurt this can be less than 100 calories. (another one of your five a day and a dairy)
If it's nibbles you need - try air popped popcorn...I've got a wee machine to do it but I'm sure you could use an old pan.

thank you thats great. I will share any good recipes I find!