New, but not new...: Hello everyone... - Weight Loss Support

Weight Loss Support

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New, but not new...

5 Replies

Hello everyone!

Okay, so I have been reading this forum for quite some time, but never really joined, I was content in reading people's experiences, till today... -- My advance apologies that this will turn to a long post, its either a long one or multiple ones, so I thought long would be better. TIA for those who take the time to read and help me out.

So to start I am currently at 203lbs (92.07kg), height is 5ft6 so my BMI is 32.8 (or so my app tells me) To get my BMI down to the healthy range my top end goal is 154lbs (69.8kg), so I've got a long way to go, but I'm doing it in goals of 10lbs.

I have managed to successfully lose weight, multiple times before, but just never stuck to it -- otherwise I wouldn't be here! -- I'm just now really unhappy with the way I look, so taking my final action to do something about it!

I have just joined slimming world -- as people keep raving about it etc etc -- this is where my first issue lies... I got weighed last Wednesday at 14st 11.5lbs (207.5lbs/94.12kg) so the week goes by, have a few treats during the week, but nothing major (ish -- 1 mcdonalds meal, 1 chocolate bar, 1 toffee apple and a small slice of choc cake, which I don't feel is too bad looking at it over a whole week.... And I had done a fair bit of walking during the week also (unless I'm kidding myself and it actually is)) Anyway I vastly reduced all the processed stuff I was eating before, turned to lean meats for dinner, loads of veg and fruit etc. So weigh in came last night and it read that I'd stayed the same... Needless to say I was a little miffed... I couldn't quite get how I had stayed the same... So defiant to accept that, I weighed myself this morning ( I usually do weigh myself Monday mornings (I will be joining the group weigh in :)) so jumped on the scale this morning, and it told me I was 14st7lb (92.07kg)... so I had dropped 4.5lbs (2.04kg)

Both of the scales are digital and on a hard flat surface... but I'm questioning why there is such a difference... If it was like 1lb+/- I'd be like whatever, but 4.5lbs is quite a large gap in my eyes...... And there is no way I lost that much weight overnight...?

So my second thing is the time you weigh... I've heard/read over and over that you should weigh in the morning, which I usually do on a Monday morning. But with the SW group, it has to be evening because of my friend and I working. Is there a massive difference between a morning and evening weigh in....?

I am hoping to get back in to my running next week, I really miss doing it -- no idea why I stopped -- so I shall be starting from scratch again, it's been so long. I have a baby steps to 5K workout on my phone, so will be following that, hopefully that will be a good place to start -- then I shall incorporate some strength workouts eventually, once I've gotten back in to running... Anybody have any pointers for the running again?

5 Replies
kalahuchi profile image

Hi Waistaway,

so glad you decided to start posting. Scales are curious beasties at the best of times aren't they? I have found the best thing is to stick to the same scales and weigh at the same time of day each time, whenever you choose is just fine. You will have fluctuations because of all sorts of things (including inaccurate scales, time of day, time of month and so on) and this is quite normal, but over time there should be a general trend downwards. I would suggest checking your BMI and calorie range on the NHS BMI calculator, stick to the lower end of the range, enjoy your exercise and the rest will just follow on naturally.

I have yo-yo dieted in the past as well, but my goal this time is, not to reach a certain weight, but to keep off any weight that I end up losing and to be aware of how much healthier I feel along the way. This has helped me because I have felt a success from day one, rather than only feeling I had achieved anything meaningful at the end of the journey.

I find portion control is quite important and started off weighing everything until I got used to what a sensible portion of something should look like. Personally I don't allow myself to have regular "treats" apart from a nightly 100-250 calories of nuts and dried fruit or dark chocolate which counts as my third meal. Any real naughties like cake would be about once every two months because otherwise I can't stop at just one piece (I find sugary stuff quite addictive so generally steer well away from it). Also treats build up over the week so it's important to count them in your daily allowance.

I have also learned that the more I dance, the more I can eat and still lose weight! Happy days.

Good luck x

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello Hidden 😊 Welcome to the forum and thank you for your first post 😊 You are probably aware of the Newbies post, the weigh in thread, and all the challenges but they're always worth a re-read 😊 If you have any questions just ask.

With regards to scales and 'weight', yes it can vary a lot, day by day depending upon exercise/fluids/hormones/bowels etc. I prefer to weigh first thing as this is generally a smaller number, but for actual 'loss' it really doesn't matter. If you can try to wear the same clothes which may help slightly.

Most importantly is remember actual pounds lost is not the only measure, use a tape measure, your clothes, and how you feel as indicators 😊 Fitness and exercise are also good measures 😊

It is disheartening to not see a loss at the scales, but if you have stuck to plan and reduced calorie intake you will be losing fat, it's a mathematical law!! It just may take a while to register😊 Many people can 'stick' and then show a big loss.

Good luck and very best wishes 😊

slimpickings profile image
slimpickings2 stone

It is scary how much your weight increases naturally over the course of a day. You do have to stick to a set time in order to get a fair comparison. I work with colleagues who literally starve themselves on weigh in day with WW or SW because they attend an evening group. Why not use the Monday morning weigh in on the forum for your own sanity and then use the face to face SW session for moral support? Xx

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to slimpickings

That's an excellent idea 😊

cherv profile image

The system is every easy join some of the club to the right. More will be explain be a site manager of that issue. Scales can vary and yes because of the time of day we weight ourselves. You sound motivated and seem to have a handle on the program hiding in the wings, so soar. Keep in touch!

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