Weighed in this morning not happy put on 1 1/2lb on feeling a little down as been pretty good for the week need some motivation
Weighed in this morning not ha... - Weight Loss Support
Weighed in this morning not ha...

I find my weight can vary by a few pounds throughout the day. It's a bit of an upset to see I've put on a few pounds over the course of the morning, but I guess it's just a full bladder and two cups of tea in the belly.
Saturday I was down a pound - hooray! Sunday I was up 2lbs! Booo hoo! Tuesday, I am back where I was on Saturday thank goodness, but it shows how our weight can vary through the week. Keep going with the healthy lifestyle...you will win eventually!
I have started weighing every day and taking an average from the last three days for this exact reasons - weight up and down so much!! Grrrr 😡
Yes I know I'm not very good with weighing as I don't like to see the numbers go up just need to get motivated and stick to it
This was me yesterday! The lovely forumers put me right and I can see they have been supportive for you too. Keep going please it is worth it😀
If you want to be in the best shape of your life, then losing some pounds might be necessary. But the only way to reach that result is to fall in love with the process of eating healthy and exercising consistently.