Speechless....: Ok - so I was going to... - Weight Loss Support

Weight Loss Support

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39 Replies

Ok - so I was going to come back onto the forum with my tales of woe, injuries and too much cake...however, I've just read that moreless has run two half marathons this week :o :o

I shall be lying down in a darkened room for a couple of months until the world resets itself back to normal....

39 Replies

Welcome back lucca :)

in reply to

Thank you Ruth :D How are you these days - I can't get onto any of the weekly threads to find out how you are doing on the maintenance these days ? Are you doing ok ? I did see that you were out running the other week though, so that must be going ok ? How's work ? Still very busy ?

in reply to

Hi Lucca, I reset my goal weight a bit lower as I was right on the healthy/overweight cusp so I've got 4lbs to lose following @Caz28 's last few pounds club. But overall maintenance is good in that I've stayed at a healthy bmi for just over a year now, which feels good! Running is a bit hit and miss, some weeks better than others, very dependent on schedules etc. But I'm still running which is the main thing and have managed to get faster and also run further. Work is way better than you last heard. Changed job in March so got rid of the awful bully woman plus better pay, fewer hours, and more time for my studies. So new job is good too. What's your plan on the forum this time around? It's all got a bit 'organised' - as you say, moreless has been busy... :)

in reply to

Aww - glad to hear your job is much better :) Nothing worse than an awful boss.

Well done to be brave and set your goal lower ! As I said I'm still within the healthy BMI, so I just want to get back to the middle of it, which was approx where I was before. I need to try harder to stay there next time !! - but not being able to run (and even walk long distances for a month) really threw me a bit, and I managed to stick at target for quite a while - but then the summer holidays just threw me... :(

Sounds like you are still managing the running ok though - are you still out on your bike ? Can you still cycle to work where you are now ?

in reply to

The other thing that happened was I moved so I'm further out of london now, and my job is more central, so I now have a 16km commute instead of 10k. Whereas I could cycle 10k quite easily I've only done the new route a handful of times. The quickest I can do it is 1hr5min which is just too long. I'd need to stop for breakfast en route or something. So that's affected things. But I still cycle to college (which is nearer) and other more local stuff.

I also had an injury - something weird with my hips- stopped running for about a month in June and only recently got back up to where I left off. I really hope you're well on the mend now. You'll amaze yourself how quickly you get back to where you left off too. But as we all know, when it comes down to it it's the food we put in our mouths that really makes the lbs go on...

in reply to

Thanks Ruth - luckily I don't get any niggles from it at all now, so fingers crossed if I pick it up back again steadily I should be ok.

Sorry to hear you were injured too - such a shame ! But you are right, sadly it's the food to blame :( :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Lucca!!!! You're back!!! WOOHOO!! I'm delighted to see you!!! :) :) :)

Not two half marathons in a week, just two in a lifetime! :D

So now spill the beans on your tales of woe, injuries and cake! :o

in reply tomoreless

Oh well - only two in a lifetime - what a woss ;) :D Have you been doing much falling over ? ;) How's the rowing machine ?!!

Oh moreless - after my enforced break whilst I got my head back into gear and stopped stressing about the whole weight loss thing - my leg injury took an absolute age to clear up - months before I could run properly on it again without pain :( I missed out on doing all the races that I'd signed up for, and I really felt quite miserable about it.

Anyway, over the summer I've slipped into some bad eating habits again - and I'm back up to approx 164lbs - from my lowest of just about 154lbs. Still within healthy BMI - but I know that I've got to get a grip on it before I get into my old bad habit of putting all the weight back on again. I'm working at my volunteer job three days a week now and the chocolate biscuits provided in the fridge are going down too easily :( :o

The good news is that I'm trying to get back into my running habit again, and although not back to my long distances again yet - I'm building back up slowly again which is great.

I really should have got back onto this forum a while back - but felt a bit low about leaving it (even though it did me good at the time). I realised I've been missing my km challenges and all the rest - and all of you !! :D

It's been great to read all about everyone again and see so much amazing success - and I'm feeling quite motivated now !!! Roll on Monday's weigh in !!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I know, I'm so pathetic! :D I've done two 16K's this week though, does that make up for it a bit? :D Funnily enough, I fell over on wednesday!! Have you read the Tortoise and hare thread? The whole silly story is there! :)

I can't use the rowing machine any more, as I've got a hernia! Silly old fool that I am! ;)

I'm so sorry to hear about your leg injury and the protracted recovery time, but look on the bright side, you're definitely on the mend now and you can sign up for other races when you're completely healed and now, we can compare notes!! :D

It's so easy to slip back into those old habits, but it's not quite as easy when you're accountable to all of us! ;) I'm absolutely thrilled to have you back with us, I've missed you! :)

I shall expect to see you at the weigh-in, the Kilometre Zero Challenge, the Winter Solstice Challenge and the Tortoise and Hare Challenge! There's no going back now! :)

Welcome back Lucca :)

in reply tomoreless

I'm so proud of you for taking up running :) - I need to find some choice quotes from you about how that was never going to happen !! And I will have to read the falling over story - were there any nice workman around this time ?

Wow - all those challenges sound...well... challenging ?! :) I might be up for the kilometre zero challenge - is that all you have to do in a week ;) I can do that !

Still dragging the errant dog round - she's been on a diet as well and is looking trimmer. We've also extended the menagerie since I last posted and have a bearded dragon now as well - he is equally as much a pain to walk as the dog ;)

p.s. nice weight loss as well - you are going great !! Now if you could just get your ar*e into gear, exercise-wise, I'm sure you'd manage to lose a lot more ;) :D :D

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I'm gobsmacked myself! However, I do believe I'd got to the 'never say never' stage, just before you abandoned ship! ;)

Fortunately, this time it was pitch black and my only witness was the dog, who thought I was playing some kind of game :)

LOL! I've missed your sense of humour too! :D

If you were going to get a dragon, couldn't you have at least got one that was clean shaven?! I hope your neighbour doesn't carry dragon treats too! :o

I know, if I wasn't such a lazy so-and-so, I'd be as skinny as a rake by now! :D

in reply tomoreless

Have you ever tried shaving a dragon ? :O !! Luckily the neighbour is quite fond of the dragon but doesn't actually wave treats around forcing it to cross several county boundaries to run to her...unlike the dog :/ !!

Anyway...where are you running this weekend....how many kms ? How exciting - we can be running bores together !! :) (There's a conversation I never thought I'd be having with you moreless !)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I'm aiming for another 16K on Sunday. Most of my runs are done on the old railway lines around here, that have been converted to cycle tracks. Time's running out now, because they have a tendency to flood in the winter and I guess then, I'll be forced onto the road.

My next goal is to be able to run a marathon, so I'm gradually increasing my distances. I'm never going to be speedy, but am quite happy with distance :)

It feels great to be one of the "in crowd", in the running world! :D

in reply tomoreless

Sounds a lovely place to run - nice and flat ?

And wow - a marathon ! Is that one of those ultra ones across the Antarctic or are you just aiming low at the moment ;) Good on you !!

Have you managed your run this morning ? I was going yesterday morning, but it was torrential rain and thunder - and as much as I don't mind a bit of rain when I'm running, not that much :O So I am just finishing my morning coffee and then I'm lacing up those shoes now... (not 16k though !)

Not such so much the 'in' crowd - more the 'ouch!' crowd in my experience !!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I hope your run goes well :) I've done mine, you can read all about it when I post the new tortoise and hare thread and tell us all about your run at the same time :)

in reply tomoreless

Oh - keep me in suspense why don't you :( !!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

:D :D :D

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Wow, Lucca!!!!! Welcome back!!!!! Delighted to see you again! How are you doing? Still sun-bathing the mushrooms I hope!!! ;-)

Great to see you!!!!

Lowcal :-)

in reply toZest

Those mushrooms got some good colour over the summer and ran amok in the garden. They've been taken in hand... :D

How are you doing these days, Lowcal ? As I said to Ruth I can't get into the weigh in threads to read (forum is still clanky and slow ?!!) - are you into those 12s ? :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

I wish I was, Lucca, but I was 13 stone 7.2 at this Monday's weigh-in. I went on holiday in August, to Canada (which was amazing) and the sticky Cinnamon buns took me in hand, and since I came back I have found it hard to get back on track, but I pledged yesterday to turn things around and get back to the 12's, and I have been really good today! So that's a good start!!! :-)

I've still maintained my total loss of 5 stone though, and I'm a healthy BMI, so I am very happy! :-)

Sorry to hear you've not been able to access the Monday threads - I really hope they will work out the glitches - I know they keep working on them, and hopefully progress will be made so the site speeds up and smooths out.

Glad you've taken those mushrooms in hand! :-)

Good luck for your own goals, and I'm excited that you're back with us! :-)

in reply toZest

I would have had a similar problem resisting those cinnamon buns as well, Lowcal - yum !! Canada sounds lovely though - what a great holiday !

Aw - it was so great to read your post - I know you'll not be happy about not being on track, but it was nice to know that I'm not alone in struggling, despite being a healthy BMI. Reminds me that there's lots of support and people going through the same thing here ! Thanks Lowcal for eating all those cinnamon buns and making me feel better ;) :D We can get those extra lbs off together !!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

You're on, Lucca - we can do this!!!! :-)

in reply toZest

Go us !!

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

She is amazing, isn't she?

in reply toLessToLose

She's exhausting at least !

I love your new name LtL :D And you are looking amazing in those progress photos ! Well done you - and is that a 10K medal ?!!

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Yay - see what you have missed? It is all been happening around these ere parts!

I did my first ever 10K on Sunday (I am still slightly sore) and am very proud indeed, even if I did come in last with two marshals escorting me at the end, with bright orange tabards which said "Last Runner", hrmph.

in reply toLessToLose

Wow - that's such an amazing achievement - well done ! Just ignore those marshals - they don't take account of all the hundreds of people that probably dropped out earlier because it was too tough going for them ;)

Caz28 profile image

sounds like you are an old friend of the forum, I only joined in April, so Hi and good luck!

in reply toCaz28

Hi Caz and thank you ! I've just seen your post with the lovely downward trending graph - so looks like you've been doing really well yourself :) If you joined in April I think that's about when I went off in a quinoa-induced brain fuzz... ;)

I look forward to 'chatting' with you :)

MotherPip profile image

Macmillan coffee mornings have a lot to answer for...work was a cake fest and I binged

in reply toMotherPip

At least you can argue it was for charity :) I love your picture by the way - cute pig !!

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello Hidden and welcome back 😊 I have also been on enforced rest for a couple of months due to health issues, luckily managed to maintain (more or less) and am now hoping to lose the last few pounds (well . . . As many as I can tbh) 😕

So good luck to us both! I am part of Caz28 s "last few pounds club" which us helping 😊

Best wishes 😊

in reply toIndigoBlue61

Thanks Anna :) Sorry to hear about the health issues, but I hope you are recovering now and able to move around a bit more. I will definitely need to check out Caz's 'last few lbs club' - sounds just what I need !

p.s. how do you manage to get the forum 'names' highlighted like that, so they show up as a 'mention' ?

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Thank you Hidden 😊 Im keeping optimistic 😊

To tag someone and highlight their name, you type '@' then their name, which will then show up in a drop down list, if you click on the correct name it will tag them 😊


in reply toIndigoBlue61

Thanks IndigoBlue61 :D

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Yay 😊 You've got it!! 😊😊😊

Hey Lucca 😊😊 Lovely to have you back on the forum ❤️❤️

Are you going to join the km Zero challenge?

in reply to

Hi FizzyLiz :) Glad to 'see' you again. How's things ? How is that Little Miss Fizz - still as beautiful as when she first came home ?

I am definitely going to be looking at that km Zero challenge - I have no idea yet what it's about, but I'm sure I will be up for it ! I need to check out your Winter Solstice challenge as well - it appears to have lots of nice shiny things involved... :D

in reply to

Little Miss Fizz is even more adorable and keeps me on my toes!

Would be great to have you joining both challenges. Bling on offer for the Solstice challengers and Ricky and George for Km Zero. It's a win win situ :D :D

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