Day 1, Again, ruddy hell.... - Weight Loss Support

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Day 1, Again, ruddy hell....

Chefmel profile image
16 Replies

So it's such a joke. So I don't workout for 4 days, but I ate sensibly and all that, and I've put on everything back that I worked for in the previous 2 weeks. Just because I didn't go to the gym. This is ruddy impossible, I can't seem to win at this. I realise I have put on a stone and a half in the last 4 months, and none of my clothes fit, I look disgusting in the mirror, ridiculously my ring that I always wear on the weekends, that used to be loose, now literally doesn't fit. With me its just all or nothing, I cant get a plan together that's gradual, it has to be lost quickly and probably gained back just as quick but I don't care, I've got 17 days before I go to see my friends for my best mates birthday and i'm not going back anywhere near this size.

So, detox, for the next 8 days:

Breakfast- A juice/shake/smoothie of some sort, and a piece of fruit. Today I had this water which has apple juice and green tea extract in.

Snack- Cereal bar (I've got Oats so simple morning bars atm).

Lunch- Steamed vegetables with a little butter and lemon.

Snack- Cereal Bar

Dinner- Steamed vegetables with a little butter and lemon.

Working out every day, and 2 litres of water a day. After 8 days on this I add grilled meat to my lunches and dinners. And then eventually start filtering in the other food groups. Drastic times call for drastic measures. I want to lose 11 pounds in 17 days. I can do this, screw logic.

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Chefmel profile image
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16 Replies
June1965 profile image


Can I be honest ? 🤔 Fads do nor work...long time!!! If you do this you will be so hungry at the end....believe you me, no quick fix for weight loss!!! Start slow....water,exercise,moderate food intake of healthy greens,protien, all the suggestions on the NHS will do this detox and lose fluid!!!!

Just my take on happy ❤️

Chefmel profile image
Chefmel in reply to June1965

Well you know what they say, nothing tastes as good as thin feels. I hope I wont lose fluid- going to drink 2 litres of water a day as well. I will be eating a lot of greens, and then in 8 days time introducing proteins to it. I just need a bit of a "spring clean" to jump-start my body into action I think.

Diana profile image

You need a plan, I mean what is sensible, the old guess factor maybe an issue here? Go back to counting cals

Or do you have other health issues, menopause, gluten intolerance, thyroid ?

Back to basics and counting, be conservative and don't over estimate, good luck!

Chefmel profile image
Chefmel in reply to Diana

This is a plan for the next 8 days, I intend to introduce lean meats after that, and then gradually other food groups. I have a problem where I produce too much cortisol (stress hormone) which effects my weight, other than that everythings fine.

Itsbab profile image

Do you think if you have been working out that you could of added muscle weight where to start with you lost fat weight therefore the scales show little difference?

I agree with June1965 there is no quick fix and anyone who detox diet ends up feeling terrible with headaches etc, then your birthday celebrations wouldn't be as enjoyable.

17 days 2.5 weeks just get back on track doing things sensibly for your body and carry on whilst celebrating your friends birthday and you will see a loss.

It has been proven that you don't have to exercise to loose weight look at the documentaries where some people have been so huge they can't get out of bed, cutting calories allows them to loose so much that they can then eventually move themselves to get out of bed. Exercise is vital for our organs for fitness levels but not weight loss it helps but we build muscle weight as well which is heavier than fat.

Chefmel profile image
Chefmel in reply to Itsbab

This is taking the whole muscle thing into consideration. Well even without working out I actually walk 5km a day (I don't drive y'see) so I would say I'm fairly active. It just obviously isn't enough to shove this stubborn weight off.

Hi Chefmel

Take a deep breath. You are doing so well as a chef you know what the right root is to successful weight loss and drastic measures are only temporary - you know that.

Most of us stick or put weight back on its a normal part of the journey even those who are maintaining fluctuate. I have been stuck for the last 3 weeks. The positive I take away from this is I haven't gained.

Healthy eating is about steady gradual loss and a change for life not a quick fix.

The reality is it doesn't take us 6 weeks to put our excess weight on and therefore we can't lose it all in 6 weeks either if so we would all be slim.

Someone on this site once said and it's stuck with me "weightloss isn't a sprint it's a marathon" we are in it for the longhaul.

I still think investing in some scales that you can weigh on first thing in the morning would be a good motivational tool for you. My advice is you need to weigh first thing in the morning not at different times of the day.

I say this as I can retain fluid throughout the day and could increase my weight by 4-6lbs from morning to evening.

With regards to meeting up with friends they will accept you no matter what you weigh. Beauty shines from within don't sabatage all the good work you have already done.

You need to put your gladrags on - a smile on your face😀looking good isn't about your size it's about attitude.

You still have time to work on this carry on and find what works for you. You can do this.

Keep in touch and consider those scales i think they will help you. ☺

Have a good day. X

Chefmel profile image
Chefmel in reply to

I know I just think I feel like I take two steps forward and then 3 massive steps back, for no reason! If I had maintained weight and not lost any then yes I would be frustrated but i'd know I had hit a plateue, but to gain everything back has just annoyed me. I dunno I think at the moment the fact that my scales are at the gym gives me good motivation to go to the gym, so I can know how well I'm doing, lol. My friends will love me no matter what I look like, its the other people that I know from my hometown that will gossip about how much weight ive put on. I basically haven't been back in 4 months since I got my new job and moved and now,a stone and a half heavier, I can see people judging already.

in reply to Chefmel

Just something else that has come to mind earlier today and it's a delicate subject especially when you dont know someones age or cirumstance but is what a GP would exclude first with weight gain.

I don't expect an answer and please don't feel offended it's not meant to offend?

Chefmel profile image
Chefmel in reply to

Oh no it isn't that, I have a nexplanon implant that stops all that malarkey, i'm 25 :)

in reply to Chefmel

Mmmmm stranger things have happened -please just be sure. 👍

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello Chefmel 😊

There are more ways of measuring 'slimness' than the number on the scales 😕 Watching scales has been my downfall for years! The numbers can go up and down by 6 or 7 lbs depending upon TOTM/fluids taken/ bowel activity 😕 Please don't despair 😕❤️😕

As others have said, if you want to lose FAT rather than see lower numbers on the scales then eating less is the only way.

If your fingers have swollen so much in 4 days it suggests fluid retention? Are you hormonal maybe?

Many of us on here go weeks not losing at the scales, then it all comes off at once. 😊

I understand your frustration, I've been there😕 Whilst fasting or de toxing doesn't work for me, it works for some for 24 or 36 hours, but any longer really isn't a good idea, you will lose muscle and water, not fat, sorry, that's biology 😕

You have got 2 1/2 weeks. You could lose several pounds of FAT and increase energy levels, improve fitness and make your skin glow with good nutrition and aerobic exercise 😊

But at the end of the day, you know yourself and your body, I wish you well and hope you feel more positive soon 😊❤️😊

Chefmel profile image
Chefmel in reply to IndigoBlue61

I am wondering about the hormone thing. I mean, I am young (ish- 25), and a little over a year ago I got that hormone implant in my arm (the one that stops you getting pregnant for 3 years). Before I was on the DEPO injection (every 3 months), and didn't have any negative side effects. I wonder if this implant thing has an effect on my mood/ on my weight, and if it's negative, that maybe I should go back to DEPO (slightly annoying to get it done every 3 months but if it'll make me happier and skinnier screw it!)

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Chefmel

Yes, most hormonal based birth control methods could affect mood and weight 😕 Tricky things these hormones!! (I'm at the other end 😕 just had a hysterectomy) eating little and often, avoiding sugar, taking regular walks all help 😊

Hello, sorry, but if you lose 11lbs in 17 days it won't be good for you, and more to the point it won't be fat! Please don;t do silly "detox" type diets. The menu you have outlined above is ridiculous, quite frankly. the only thing in its favour is that you wont' be able to sustain it for 17 days, so hopefully any damage it will do is limited.

Instead, please get your portion sizes under control, and you can start losing 1-2lbs a week consistently and make a real difference to your weight by Christmas. You could certainly lose a stone by then.

Sorry to be critical, but, having been there myself, I know that these very restrictive diets are no good for losing weight. By all means be firm with yourself, but be sensible too. It's the only way to lose weight in the long run.

Good luck!

Chefmel profile image
Chefmel in reply to

I'll write it up on day 3, but I have deviated away from this plan slightly. I'm including cups of tea with a bit of milk throughout the day, and the vegetables can be stir fried/ or soups. Or salad with a little olive oil and balsamic. But still sticking to the principles of fruit juice/ healthy drink for brekkie, cereal bars as snacks during the day, veg for lunch, veg for dinner.

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