Its been over a year since I last wrote a post. Have put the weight back on and even heavier than when I started. So now the weight affecting me just waking up a im now on fitness pal app..weigh and count calories..homecooked food is easy to count calories but eating out is scary as I feel its just everthing high in calories..just looking at food in restaurants I put weight on !
Need to get fitter and lose weight - Weight Loss Support
Need to get fitter and lose weight

Do you eat out a lot then? Lots of places have menus on line, so you could check them out before you go and make an informed choice before even getting there. Avoid creamy sauces, go for tomato based instead, have salad (no dressing) instead of chips etc. etc. I recently went out for a meal, and it was the first time I asked for a side salad and said 'just plain please, no dressing thanks' and it felt great, like I was really in control! Good luck!
You been very brave coming back on here and this demonstrates great personal strength 😊 Well done.
You probably know this, but don't try to eat too little. If you check your BMR it will give you a target calorie allowance, I find MFP a little lower than I can cope with long term 😕
Wishing you success in your journey! Good luck 😊
We will get through the next 12 weeks together. Ive had quite a good day 1. One day at a time