Hi all, I've reached the point of desperation, very overweight, look forward to meeting you on these boards.Not great at sticking to diets, hoping I can make this one work.
Newbie, hey all.: Hi all, I've reached... - Weight Loss Support
Newbie, hey all.

Hello Lily42
A year ago I was exactly where you are now, trust me, you can do this! Try not to think of it as a diet, just healthier eating, sensible portions and ocassional treats 😊 Good luck and very Best wishes 😊
Just remember, "overweight" is a temporary state only! It is a phase you have been through for whatever reason, and now you are making the decision to reverse things; find alternative activities to keep your mind distracted from comfort eating.
Plan some walks or bike rides, tell yourself that you are making sensible choices. Don't beat yourself up for any slips, just look ahead and plan for some healthy meals. Read the posts on this forum for motivation - they are a great help when you are feeling tempted!
Hi lily42! I absolutely get what you mean about not sticking to diets. The restrictions and thought of foods being good or bad always led me to rebel ( against myself ironically!!!). Once I'd made a 'bad choice' the day/week/month was ruined and I ate anything and everything!
Earlier this year I decided to be fitter and started the Couch 2 5k running program. Something then clicked, what was the point in being fitter and still eating badly? I used the NHS tracker to find out my calorie requirements and set off!!! What I really like about this program is that absolutely no food is restricted ( I have enjoyed all of my favourite foods including takeaways, KFC, wine, chocolate) but compensate by making better choices before and after.
I work out my weekly calorie allowance and if I know I'm having a takeaway/ wine or whatever, I subtract that number of calories from my weekly total right at the beginning of the week. It might mean a 1500 calorie week instead of the 1800 calorie week that is advised, but it means I do not miss out, feel hard done to etc. I'm on week 3 and have lost 5lbs so far and haven't once felt denied.
I'm sure this won't work for everyone and people may disagree with my system, but right now it's working for me. When/ if it stops working, and when I need less daily calories, I'll look at it again.
Good luck on your journey - you've taken the first step xxx

Hi and welcome Lily
Take a look at the Pinned Posts section, to the right of your screen (bottom, if you're using a mobile) and have a look at the Welcome Newbies thread, it has a link to the NHS 12 week plan, which is a guide to healthy living, rather that a specific diet plan.
Consider joining any, or all, of our challenges, as they're fun and motivating.
Join us for the monday group weigh-in. If you follow Zest and myself , you'll be notified when we post the thread. However, the latest thread can always be found in the events section, to the right of the home page.
Be active on the forum, as that's where we exchange ideas and get our daily dose of motivation and inspiration
Wishing you all the very best
Hi, I am new here and read your post and understand how you feel. I have lost over 100 pounds sorry I am American ... and am working on more but ended up with cardiac failure last July and am having to go slow due to having the heart issues....We will get there on step at a time......