So... 3 months ago I started eating healthy which means no take outs, swapping refined carbs for wholegrain, more vegetables and protein/fats less carbohydrates. The weight fell off literally? I am 22lbs lighter. What inspired me to do this was my hypoglycemia. For some reason my blood sugar always drops and so does my blood pressure. Last night i had the biggest scare, my daily snacks are nuts and last night after munching on a few almonds 30 minutes later i couldn't feel my right leg. It became completely paralysed to the point that i couldn't walk. Strange? YES! i panicked. Hours later i was fine. I didn't know what the cause of this was. Today i had a few almonds and within 5 minutes i could feel my legs numbing up again. I've decided to cut nuts out of my diet, A part of me is asking myself what i am doing wrong and quite frankly i feel like giving up.
When healthy becomes dangerous - Weight Loss Support
When healthy becomes dangerous

Maybe you need an appointment with your GP it sounds like you could have had an alergic reaction.
If so you may need further tests as almond milk may be inclusive of foods your not aware of ie when esting out etc- and it could be in higher amounts than you consumed. It wouldn't hurt. ☺

The surgery is closed at the moment but i will ring them up tomorrow morning so they can book me in for an appointment.. One thing i do know is i'm lactose intolerant and my stomach can't stand soy i get terrible ibs. I can't believe the list of allergies is getting longer
I don't know if this applies to your GP, but remember it is a bank holiday tomorrow
Definitely not normal, please go and see your GP 😕 Explain that you have lost weight and we're hoping to feel better

Nut allergies are relatively common. Definitely get an appointment with your GP/allergist and play it safe until then. Cut out all nuts of your diet until you have been tested for specific nuts. Further exposure may results in even more severe allergic reactions.

If you are allergic to foods already then it is not unreasonable that this is a nut allergy. Don't give up, don't panic and don't have any more almonds. Do go to your doctor on Tuesday. Xx